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Pentax K7 makes cover of Pop Photo


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<p>Whatever the K-7's flaws may be it still is what they are claiming it to be--a really good value, with particularly good features for 'outdoor' activities combining relatively compact size/light weight with a tough weather sealed build, offering excellent value for the dollar. </p>

<p>And like the Sigma UWA or not, it's probably the best value in its category too.</p>

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<p>C Wyatt wrote:</p>



<p>Depends entirely on what you're shooting, doesn't it?</p>


<p>That is my point. If you need a macro then an UWA is kind of useless. I enjoy my DA12-24 but would not class it as an "outdoor" lens. It's best for tight interiors and city streets. For landscapes UWA is poor since mountains are turned into molehills. The true size relationship of objects in the environment is lost.</p>

<p>But if you want to do those "one thing big in the foreground while everything else is squished into the background" type shots that are so very trendy in magazines... works great for those.</p>

<p>Back to the cover: I would have thought that a weather-sealed lens like the DA*16-50 would make a better match for the camera, and for the outdoor shooter.</p>


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