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Canon 14mm f/2.8 L II, anyone?


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<p>I've never tried 14mm but I did had a chance to try Canon 17mm TS-E. Optically I think they were very close with Zeiss obviously showing more contrast. Both were tack sharp edge to edge. Some say that 17mm is sharper in the corners but I can't say I saw any major difference. I decided to go with Zeiss because of its build, contrast, manual focus and about $1000 difference (bought for $1600 minus 8% Bing when it was still working). If you want to get more information visit <a href="http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/board/55">fredmiranda</a>. I am sure you will find more people there who had a chance to use both 14mm and Zeiss 21mm.</p>
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<p>Hi Erwin,</p>

<p>Check this link where you can see hundreds of full-size images taken with this lens, although it doesn't differentiate from the MkI version (you may find this info if you click over the image like this one - Kaimon-dake(mountain) / 開聞岳(かいもんだけ) - instead of clicking over "<a href="http://www.pixel-peeper.com/redirect/?phid=3272511385&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphoto_zoom.gne%3Fid%3D3272511385%26size%3Do" target="_blank">Go directly to the full-size image</a>"):</p>


<p>BTW, I always check this site before buying a lens.</p>

<p>And don't forget to read these reviews about the new Samyang 14mm f/2.8 IF ED UMC Aspherical, supposedly the best bang for the buck:<br>



<p>Best regards,<br /> Paulo</p>

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<p>A good review is here<br>

<a href="http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Zeiss-21mm-f-2.8-ZE-Distagon-Lens-Review.aspx">http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Zeiss-21mm-f-2.8-ZE-Distagon-Lens-Review.aspx</a><br>

You can also compare ISO12233 crops from the Zeiss lens with many diffeent lenses, including the Canon EF 14mm. The Zeiss is pretty impressive but I'd use it only for video with follow focus setup (I do very little static phtography which does not require AF or reliable, fast and precise MF.)</p>

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<p>I use Zeiss 21mm for stills and video and could not be happier. Not sure why would anybody need AF for landscape and other wide-angle photography. I use many MF Zeiss lenses including 50mm f/2 Makro Planar which now sits on my 5DII probably 70% of the time. EG-S helps a lot and sometimes I use 10x LiveView. By the way check out this <a href="http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/ISO-12233-Sample-Crops.aspx?CameraComp=0&FLIComp=0&APIComp=0&Lens=708&Camera=453&Sample=0&FLI=0&API=0&LensComp=454">link</a> where you can compare those 2 lenses. </p>
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<p>You didn't state which camera you are using. However, 14mm is quite a bit wide than 21mm. I shoot a lot of real estate stuff and sometime even my 17-40 is just not quite wide enough when I am in close quarters. I looked at the fish-eye but didn't like the distorted look for interiors. So for me the 14MM if I could afford it would be my hands down choice. You can create sharpness and contrast post you can't create wider view if you never captured it.</p>
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<p>This is the kind of question that is impossible really to answer. The Zeiss has better performance, but its a <em>way </em>different focal length. Why not compare it to the 18mm Zeiss which is at least a little closer? Certainly I would think that a 21mm would be more useful than a 14mm for most people most of the time.</p>
Robin Smith
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<p>Thanks everyone for your feedback.</p>

<p>Right now, I've been using the 17-40mm on my 7D, but I'm trying to leave zooms behind and go straight to top-notch primes (reason why I'm not even considering the 16-35 f/2.8. I've been needing wider shots during some recording before, which drives me towards the Canon 14mm, but then I've read the Zeiss 21mm (haven't heard it much about the 18mm) is the best wide angle lens ever made (although not as wide as the one I'm comparing it to).</p>

<p>Yes, I've thought of the Canon EF-S 10-22mm, but I dont like the fact that I cant use it on APS-H and FF cameras, neither do I like its aperture (14mm permits me a much better handling in low light).</p>

<p>Since there have been rumors going around of Canon announcing a new camera, more for video than pictures (supposedly the Canon 3D), I might be buying a new body, and I highly doubt it'll be a cropped sensor. This is why I refuse buying an EF-S lens. I've tried the 17-40mm on a friend's Canon 5D Mark II, and that is wide enough for me; what troubles me is the constant F/4 (I want something wider). This is my logic of why I'm comparing the 14mm vs the 21mm:</p>

<p>If Canon comes out with the 3D, 21mm should be enough; if I stay with the 7D, 14mm should be enough.</p>

<p>But then, I wouldn't mind having a much wider glass on a Full Frame or APS-H 3D.....</p>

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<p>Roumors about 3D have been around since the release of 1Ds (2002) so don't hold your breath. The 14 mm is a specialist lens with very visible WA distortions unless extreme care is taken with framin and lens/camera positioning, leveling, etc. You may want to rent it for a few days before shelling out the $$.<br>

As an aside, if you need a wide angle lens and want a FF body, you are missing a lot by not considering the EF WA zooms (17-40/4 or 16-35/2.8 II) both are superb lenses. Then there is the famous Nikon WA zoom (MF only on Canon but since you are cosidering a MF Zeiss optics...)</p>

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<p>I agree with Michael regarding Nikon. 14-24 is an amazing lens and would work great on a crop. It would add a bit of hustle to the process (stop-down metering) but its worth the effort. Zeiss 21mm might not be wide enough on a crop while Nikon will give you great IQ and convenience of a zoom.</p>
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<p>Michael and Ilya, to use the Nikon <strong>G</strong> on an EOS body you need this adapter to control the aperture<br /> http://www.dpreview.com/news/1007/10072602novoflexeosnikntadapter.asp<br /> although I would never spend that money on a Nikon lens to use it on a Canon body. Only on a FF Nikon body, D700 and above!<br /> BTW, has someone read the Samyang 14mm f2.8 reviews?<br /> Finally, there's a quote which says something like this "The real price of a piece of cloth is equivalent to price you paid divided by the number of times you used it".</p>
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<p>Investing in high quality expensive full frame wideangle prime lenses strictly for use on a crop body does not utilize them to their full potential or for their intended use. Get a full frame body first then discover which lenses will be most useful to you. </p>
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