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POTW 2010-07-31


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Has it been a week already? Gosh, how quickly the time passes when your film is at the lab :-( That's OK, it

doesn't have to be POTW for everyone. It isn't for me this week. However, in order to maintain

interest and keep the ball rolling, and to create an opening below for others to post their picture(s) of the week, here's something old.


500CM + 80mm CF + Kodak E200 + Nikon 9000ED. Click through for larger.


<a href=" title="20100303-E200-003 by manual crank, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4053/4405332613_0f4d6e1834.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="20100303-E200-003" /></a>


Pentax 67II + 75mm <i>F</i>4.5 + Kodak 160NC + 9000ED. Click through for larger.


<a href=" title="20100605-160NC-002 (crop) by manual crank, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4014/4674147122_656dcde672.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="20100605-160NC-002 (crop)" /></a>

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Took this earlier in the week:


<a href=" Coca Cola is it title="Coca Cola is it by photomat-, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4129/4840639762_68ab7010da.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="Coca Cola is it" /></a>




Hasselblad 500CM, Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8, Carl Zeiss Proxar 0.5M, Hasselblad Polaroid 100 Back, Fuji FP-100C, Exposure: f/2.8, 4sec

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<p>Went hiking yesterday. This was taken on the highest ridge on the island. After we reached the summit my fellow hikers took naps or ate lunch while I scrambled about shooting with my Pentax 67 and 45mm f/4 loaded with Fuji Velvia 50 and, in this case, with Fuji Acros.</p>

<p><img src="http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb311/longrya2/P67-4.jpg" alt="" /></p>


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<p>My shot is of a "collector's" vintage saxophone. 1939 Martin alto in near purchased condition. As far as I can remember it was shot with Hasselblad 503CW, 180mm lens with 16mm extension and 160 Kodak Portra VC. Good work Leo BTW, on your thread idea, and your images. These are older work, now I have to go shoot some new stuff ;-)</p><div>00Wz1k-265353784.jpg.ae798b2ca6bb3285effaa21fd0c3c8e9.jpg</div>
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<p>IMHO this whole lot of medium format photos is terrifying. They are all good. Darn. No fancy new cameras,shucks even a Holga! I hate the format esp the square. Yet all are more than successful.Envy from the small camera champion. OK i lied! I gotta Rollei. Gotta get a scanner..Well done everybody.</p>
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