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Nikon 9000 Coolscan answers needed, please!!!


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Hi all!

I have just purchased a brand new Nikon 9000 Coolscan scanner this week, and have a few questions I would like to ask to all the

knowledgable and long time users of a Nikon Coolscan scanner in scanning Medium Format 120 transparency film especially, oh and

the optimum software used for scanning/using the scanner with a MacBook pro, running Mac OS 10.6.4 operating system...

I am currently leaning toward the Silverfast software but I just need to know what version of the software do I need, "version 6.5+" for

example and does anybody have any experience with using and running it with a mac 10.6.4 operating system?

Also, just a scanning query, is it possible to scan my 6x6 negs and positive frames with the film borders, so when the frame is

scanned it will not be cropped in any way, shape or form! If so, how is it best atchieved, or is it as simple and not limiting or defining

the scan area when scanning?


So here is the outlined information that may be needed to answer all my queries:


MacBook Pro (2009 version)

Mac 10.6.4 

Nikon Coolscan 9000 ED scanner

Silverfast Ai IT8


Basically, will it all work together...?


Thank you all in advance for helping me with my high maintenance questions! Cheers


P.S. Sorry if I have misclassified this topic thread!

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<p>Hi Nathan,<br>

I use mine on a 2009 MacBook Pro with upgrade to Snowleopard and Vuescan.<br>

I am also using an Epson V4990 and a Nikon Coolscan 5000 ED on the same computer.<br>

I can recommend this combination, Vuescan does a great job with the 9000 ED.<br>

The thing that is most important in scanning medium format with the 9000 ED is to use a glass holder, instead of the holder that comes with the package.<br>



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<p>Nikon Scan works fine on my MacBook Pro running 10.6.4, but I also have Vuescan. I asked about a version of Silverfast for the 9000ED, and was told by LaserSoft that they would charge me $399 for it. Somehow I'm managing quite nicely without it! I agree that ANG negative holders for 120 film are a must - I found the Nikon version at B&H, but I later discovered that there are cheaper versions sold on the Bay: see post #12 on <a href="http://www.hybridphoto.com/forums/showthread.php?t=658">this thread</a>.</p>
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<p>Hi all, thanks for your responses!<br>

I am defiantly going to pick up a glass 120 holder for my 6x6 negs and possitive frames, is the Nikon rotating holder with the ANG glass favored above the regular FH 869G without the anit-newton ring glass in the holder? Is there truly that much of a difference...? (when scaning transparencys in particular...) Could the Newton rings be simply erased in PS after scanning?<br>

After reading up more on wet mounting I think it is a great idea, but at this moment in time, I think I am going to go for a dry, glass carrier and see how my results come out, I found this article very useful:<br>

<a href="http://www.weaved.net/wet.htm">http://www.weaved.net/wet.htm</a><br>

Despite the author of that comparison chose the fluid mount, he has very valid and correct opinions in what is best when scanning and using both wet and dry methods... Does anybody know of anywhere to purchase a complete 'wet mount carrier' set or supplies in the UK just so i know the option is there?<br>

Christopher, how did you manage to get Nikon Scan to work on your MacBook Pro running 10.6.4? Thats Great! I keep on getting extension errors etc etc... when i am trying to install and run the software...<br>

Rick, I live in the UK and very, very fortunatly after a solid week of hunting one down, found one in London for around £2000 ish... Brand new. I was very relieved and happy!!!<br>

Christoph, with the Vuescan software, how wel does it scan color transparency film, as i was reading reviews and the overall word seems to be that it is great for scanning B/W, but when it comes to color and in somecases, sharpness, it has failed to produce the goods... I dont really want to pay for the Silverfast software with that price tag as i wont be using the in scanning tools as i would predominantly do my processing in PS (photoshop)...<br>

I feel a set up consisting of a simple scanning software without the fancy scratch, dust, auto adjustments etc... options and an ANG glass holder would suite me perfectly, as i would do most, if not all my processing and fixing up in PS...<br>

Cheers once again!<br>


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<p>I use the FH-869G. It is the non-rotating glass holder. It's fine. The rotating glass holders is for special purposes I believe. I am also curious to learn how to run Nikon Scan on OSX 10.6.4. Which software version of N.S? Until now I keep an old G4 machine running on OSX 10.4 for using Nikon Scan and Vuescan. </p>
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<p>I am using the LS 9000 with the FH-869G and VueScan (on an iMac with OS X 10.6.4). Perfect solution. VueScan is as powerful as Silverfast, but for a fraction of the price tag. In addition you get life long updates (pro version) and can use it with any other scanner in the list (a very long list of supported scanners!). Forget about 'fixing in PS' unless you don't have a job or family. <br>

BTW, I make a living on photography, and I don't want to churn out new bucks for each new scan software version. VueScan delivers perfect results and is highly customizable and extremely reliable.</p>


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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Just a follow up. A month ago I put my name down at a dealer here in Hong Kong in case they had a new Coolscan turn up. I wasn't expecting much but lo and behold I got a call yesterday saying they had one just delivered. Actually they had 3 delivered but each one had been reserved so they didn't even make it to the shop display window... Just shows how much in demand these things still are, I guess no doubt there are some folk out there thinking they can just resell these on eBay for an instant profit...</p>

<p>Anyway, I paid around HKD 20k for mine (about GBP 1660 or USD 2600 at current exchange rates). Unfortunately this is more than the US official retail price (USD 2200 I believe) but in line with what is being paid on eBay. The good thing is its a brand new one with a warranty so I don't have the worries I would have on an eBay purchase...</p>

<p>Looks like I will have to put more cash down though to get the glass holder as medium format transparencies will probably be what I scan most on this machine...</p>


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