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purple dot in picture


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<p>I was in the mountains this weekend and i was trying to do some pictures while there, but somehow in a few of them appears a purple dot right in the middle, at first i thought it is because the viewfinder wasn't covered and light was getting in through there like in long exposure at night, but then i covered it with something and it still showed and at 1/80s i think it shouldn't show anyway... i'll attach 2 pics to see what i'm blabering about http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/8788/085.jpg http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/6162/130w.jpg<br>

So any ideas why they came out like that? </p>

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<p>This is not unusual with the 50/1.8 lens you were using, especially when you have it stopped down all the way to f/22. Open up a couple of stops, and get that shutter speed above 1/30th ... the combination will definitely be sharper!<br /><br />On your D90, try to avoid much past f/11 or f/16, so that you don't actually lose clarity to diffraction (it's a basic laws of physics thing - nothing to be done about it on these smaller sensors. The purple dot is caused by a double-reflection off of the sensor and the rear element of the lens.</p>
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<p>simple - lens flare. Caused by a reflection or stray light entering the lens at an angle and showing on the sensor.</p>

<p>Solutions - lens hood or a hand or peice of cardbard held over the lens to prevent stray sun from coming in.</p>



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<p>mmm Christian, did you have an UV filter or something similar attached ( an older one , or a not so high quality one espacially ) ?<br>

This looks more like "Sensor Reflection" rather than lens flare to me... , more compact lenses like 35mm and 50mm primes are more sensetive to this because a filter is realy close to the sensor ...<br>

I only like to put those on if realy realy needed, and then still take pics without and with them filters...</p>

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<p>Ach, mein Gott ... sightings of these luminous orbs are becoming more and more frequent as 2012 approaches !!!</p>


<p>Tom M.</p>

<p>PS - Do some comparison shots with and without any filters, with and without your hand blocking the sun, etc. as suggested above. Have the camera on a tripod for these tests because a change in position or direction by just a few degrees can have a profound effect on these sorts of reflections.</p>

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There are filters that eliminate much of this problem ( but not all of it..) especially for digital, but they don't come cheap at all in my xperience..<br>

@Alex: indeed, the big freigthening one from jupiter ........</p>

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