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Albums With WHCC?


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<p>Hi Guys!...</p>

<p>I just recently shoted a Wedding of good friends, and they are very happy with the results. I showed them that if they want, we could build a Photo Album with WHCC, since ive been working with them just for Metallic Prints and Press Printed book, but certainly i dont have too much Information about their albums.</p>

<p>Anyone could help a lilttle bit? if someone has any real Images of Example albums or albums that you have created i would really appreciate it. <br /><br />I would like to hear some opinions, since the price is real high vs Press Printed books!:-O</p>

<p>I thought about preapring it with 10x10 size, and already have some templates to design each page on photshop.<br /><br />thanks guys!</p>


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<p>Daniel, you may have received so few responses because whether the upgrade is worth the price difference is a question only the client can answer. There are two questions people <em>could </em>address here, though: 1) whether WHCC products are worth a price premium over competitors, generally, and 2) how flush-mount albums (I assume this is what you're talking about) compare to press-printed books.</p>

<p>I've never used WHCC, so I can't answer the first one.</p>

<p>But flush-mount albums and press-printed books are dramatically different experiences. Both preserve memories and tell a story. But holding a hefty flush-mount album, turning the sturdy pages, and lingering on the vivid, high-contrast, photo-paper quality images feels very different than holding a press-printed book. I urge most brides to get flush-mount albums because they add literal and metaphorical weight to the experience of looking back on the wedding day. A press-printed book is fun and definitely helps clients remember their day, but the flush-mount album can actually create awe. Love 'em.</p>

<p>If you do an album for these friends, order two copies and use the second as a studio sample. (Talk to the WHCC rep and let them know you need a sample, and you'll probably get a discount if they can print "SAMPLE" on the book.) You'll find they absolutely sell themselves, and brides are grateful to have had the chance to see the difference before deciding what to purchase.</p>

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