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<p>Is there a good resource on how to use PS Elements 8. I am not an artist and can't do too much to my photo's but I seem to just mess more stuff up than fix when I'm using it.<br>

Are there any books, videos, tutorials on how to do certain things in PS Elements. Thanks.</p>


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<p>Do a Google™ search for "Photoshop Elements tutorials" all inside quotes marks and you will find many, many sources.</p>

<p>Also a trip to your local bookstore will show that there are dozens of books on this topic. If you don't have a local bookstore, try Amazon or other such on-line booksellers for wherever you are.<br>

For a 'manual' like book, the "Bible" series by Wiley are excellent (except for bad indexing), and I think the <em>Photoshop Elements for Dummies</em> book is one of the good ones in the series for just starting out.</p>

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<p>some thoughts-<br>

-first, if you think you might have pped image too much you probably have. pp just enough to get what you want and no more. the temtation is great to keep pping, but do not do it.<br>

-second, it sounds like you are a real beginner in pping. in pse7 or 8 try the following-in the enhance tab use auto levels, auto contrast, and auto sharpen. that is all. if you wish BEFORE auto sharpen go to adjust lighting and select shadows/highlights. and try that. this has a default of 25% but can be adjusted with the slider, do not overdo. make sure the preview square is checkmarked. this whole procedure is very simple but does work. later see the manual for more items to use on pictures.</p>

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<p>I second Henry. I have had read a few books but my biggest progress came from being a member of PhotoShopElementUser. I like the step by step and video. They are well done and easy to follow. Good luck and remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel...</p>
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