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DOF Preview Lever Not working on T90


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<p>Different problem to usual i.e. no EEE errors. I'll try and give as much info as I can:</p>

<p>50mm Breech lock lens attach set to f/11.<br>

Camera set to Av.<br>

LCD shwoing the M symbol and this does disappear if I set the lens to A.<br>

Pressing the DOF Preview lever has no effect. I can feel it moving in (only seems to move about halfway along but from what I can tell that should be enough to activate the aperture switch in the lens) but the apeterure does no stop down and I do not get the aperture stop-down symbol on the LCD display.<br>

Switching the lens to A if I press the DOF preview lever I get the expected EEE displayed.<br>

Am I doing something wrong? Is the camera faulty?</p>

<p>Cheers - Brad</p>

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When you engage the DOF switch, does the lever on the body (the one below the mirror just inside the lens mount) slide across? If so then it's a problem with the lens, not the body. I read on an earlier post that there is a pin on the back of the lens that needs to be depressed for the lens to stop down. That pin might be stuck. If the lever is sliding across, then it might be time for a CLA (clean, lube and adjust) at your favorite camera shop.<br>

If what I've said is confusing let me know and I'll post up a pic of my T90.<br>


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<p>No, it doesn't slide across. I got them to send a replacement and I see now that the slider is actually a toggle system. The first camera had clearly jammed the slider. Anyway, all is well now. I need to fire a roll through it just to be sure though.</p>

<p>Thanks for you help Kayam.</p>

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