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Compositing challenge

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<p>Dear PS users:<br>

I am working on the following photomontage, obviously still in the beginning stages here. My main problem at the moment: I don't know how to get the edge of the wave to look as though it is spilling off the table edge. I've tried fooling around with the fluidity filter, but am not getting anywhere. Any idea as to how I could solve my problem? Any tutorial you could recommend to teach me how to overcome a similar challenge?<br>

Many thanks in advance.<br>

BTW, I use CS3.<br>


<p ></p>


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<p>straight answer from a photo retoucher... shoot it for real .. or close to.. i mean get the table, put a white or gray cardboard on the edge that act as a baplain background.. and spill some liquid to create it.</p>

<p>artistic photomontage are hard to do to make it look real and not cheezy.. keep working ; )</p>

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<p>Thanks for your input guys. I eat on that table every day, but it hadn't even occurred to me to create the spill directly ON the table. I liked the effect from the beach wave, may be I can blend the two together. More experimenting ahead, and many wet towels... Thanks again!</p>
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