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Hasselblad screen - which way up


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<p>Perhaps having to ask this question given Ive used for Hasselblad for quite some time is an indication that I should put it back in the box and change profession. Anyway, here it is:<br>

Which way up should the acute matte D screen go? Ive always had it so the matte side was down and the shiny side up. Having just needed to clean it for the first time in a long while, it occurred to me the acute 'matte' should be at the top.<br>

Can someone please give me a definitive?<br>


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<p><em>Better still, look at the metal frame. The smooth side goes up, the folded over side underneath.</em></p>

<p>On all of my screens, the rolled (folded) edge of the metal frame is toward the shiny, or UP side of the screen. Are we talking about the same thing?</p>

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