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A photo of k10/k20 with DA 17 - 70, anyone have one?


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Does anyone have a photo of the DA 17-70 with either a K10d or K20d? I'm trying to gauge how bulky this lens will look on my camera (K10) and images on Google just either show the lens or the lens with the camera but "floating" in white space. I would appreciate it if the picture had some perspective, like the camera and lens next to a common object.</p>

<p>The reason I'm asking is that I think I may get some support in purchasing this lens (as in my wife is open to the idea!), and it's one that I have been looking at for a long time to replace my kit lens. If the Sigma equivalent is similar then I guess a photo of that too will work!</p>

<p>I've gotten spoiled with how compact and small the kit lens is plus my FA50. But I need that extra reach during numerous occasions, and plenty of times during my outings with the FA50, I wish I could go wider.</p>

<p>Now in terms of real compactness, I drool over the pancake DA 40! And really tempted by this too, esp. since it's cheaper than the 17-70! Plus I think the 40mm is a nice FOV that I could get used to real quick!</p>

<p>Thanks for any input!</p>


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<p>the kit lens size has appealed to me for some time. Add in the WR kit and it really appealed to me but they just don't have the IQ I would need. I really hope pentax produces something WR in the kit focal lenght but better quality.</p>

<p>The kit lens of course is excellent quality for a kit lens, but it's not quite good enough that if you own better lenses you will use it much. And if lightness comes that much before IQ, then I'd rather just carry a digital compact.</p>

<p>As far as the question. I can't help you, I obviously don't have that lens. But I'm mildly interested in the responses since as noted above it's a lens that appeals to me as well. I'm hoping eventually Pentax entire line of lenses is WR. This is partly why I'm holding out on lens purchases for the time being.</p>

<p>As far as the 40mm, I think you would like it. Yeah, 60mm effective is an odd focal length for a prime, but really it makes for a nice head an shoulders portrait type lens, and I find the FL to also be quite useful in landscapes. Also, it's almost the same FOV as the older 55mm lenses for film cameras.</p>


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<p>Lens is just slightly chunkier than a DA 16-45/4 too, you may be able to find more pictures of this. Either one is significantly longer and chunkier than a kit lens. Slightly longer than a 18-250. None are as long or chunky as a DA* 16-50 though.</p>

<p>If you don't come up with something, I may be able to post a picture later, I have this combination.</p>

<p>I don't particularly care for 50mm on digital. I usually prefer my FA43 or DA70, and think a DA40 would be pretty similar to the former.</p>

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<p>I'm the same way...I don't really care for the FA 50mm on digital, actually I didn't really on film either.</p>

<p>I prefer a wider normal on film 35-45mm, and I like the extra reach on digital at 60-70mm or longer.</p>

<p>I'm assuming if you get the 40mm you'll sell the 50mm? If that wasn't your plan, I'd recommend dumping the 50mm f/1.4 and just getting the 43mm f/1.9. The 50mm f/1.4 is one lens I neither really appreciated, nor really ever missed.</p>

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<p>Hello there, be aware that the 17-70 is an SDM lens (has its own internal motor). It is a bit risky buying an SDM as there are many failures reported of the SDM mechanism on dpreview. My own wouldn't achieve focus after 2 months use and went to Japan twice. It's still faulty...so you will be taking a chance in buying one. If you get a good one, then it covers a really useful range and generally gives good image quality. I ended up buying the Sigma 17-70 as a substitute. Meanwhile the Pentax lens sits on a shelf - because it is really only usable as a manual focus lens.</p>
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