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SQA - AE finder S problem


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<p>I've just bought a AE finder for my broncia, i've just tried using it and everytime I press the shutter half down all that happens is a red arrow appears in the top right, I asume that this might mean that its under exposed, but I've tried changing the aperture and the shutter speed and still no luck. I'm using 100ISO film, but I'm outside and its a really bright day. Does anyone know what might be the problem? Many Thanks</p>
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<p>I'd echo the question about whether you have set the ISO on the film back correctly. This would happen if you had set a very high ISO, eg 6400 and indicates far too much light not too little. For insufficient light the arrow is at the left. Otherwise I can't replicate your problem with a working SQAi and AE prism finder S, and it would look to me like its broken. Is it too late to return it as DOA? </p>

<p> No doubt a Bronica repair shop could fix it, but whether that repair is worthwhile vis a vis getting another question. If it's broken and someone has sold you this in this state then they deserve to get it back.</p>

<p>My only query- and its a long shot- is whether your body is a SQ rather than a SQA. The AE Prisn finder S doesn't work with cameras older than the SQA. </p>

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<p>The ISO speed was set correctly and my body is definately a SQA, I've been playing around with it and have seemed to work the problem out and now is working perfectly, for some reason when I turned the body onto multiple exposures it started to read the correct exposure? Anyway, Glad its all sorted, Thank You.</p>
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