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Editing Canon HD movies in Linux (Ubuntu 9.4)


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<p dir="ltr">Hi,</p>

<p dir="ltr">I recently shot a few movies and wonder if there is a software that will allow me to do simple editing. By simple I mean cutting and stitching and switching from portrait to landscape. One of the movies starts in landscape, switches to portrait and then back to landscape again (sorry, I'm a complete novice in that). I want to cut it to three, switch the middle one to landscape and stitch them together. I also want to stitch all these movies into one.</p>

<p dir="ltr">TIA.</p>

<p dir="ltr">Happy shooting,</p>


<p dir="ltr">Yakim.</p>

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<p>What computer platform? PC or MAC? It sounds as if you're wanting to do simple cuts (no effects or dissolves). I'm not aware of any simple editing software that would allow you to rotate the portrait clip and crop to fill the screen, if that is what you want to do. Perhaps someone else may have some ideas but I suspect you'd need Adobe Premiere or Final Cut in the professional versions to accomplish the rotation and crop and the learning curve for both of those programs is pretty steep.<br>

There are some simple shareware programs that do the type of thing you're looking for but to the best of my knowledge they were designed for AVI format or standard definition video. I suspect you probably shot in HD.<br>

You might post the same question on WWW.HV20.com. This site is devoted to amateur and independent film making using camcorders and DSLRS.<br>

Good luck.</p>

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<p>What computer platform? PC or MAC?</p>


<p>Linux. See the subject. :-)</p>


<p>You might post the same question on WWW.HV20.com. This site is devoted to amateur and independent film making using camcorders and DSLRS.</p>


<p>Thank you. If I won't get a reply here I will.</p>

<p>Happy shooting,<br>


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<p>Yakim,<br /> I've been a Linux advocate since the command line only days, but I have not dabbled in video editing yet. This isn't much help, but it is a link I bookmarked a short time ago when I first started looking into Linux video editing solutions. It offers a few choices to look into with video presentations as a bonus...</p>

<p>Just for grins, you might search Distrowatch to see if there are any recent distros offered that are tailored to the video portion of multimedia spectrum as well.</p>


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