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Rodenstock APO Sironar digital lenses - any users?


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Is anyone using the Rodenstock Digital 55 or 90 mm lenses? I was

told by someone the image circle values given, 125mm, are

overstated? Has anyone checked this? How is the quality using these

lenses with color film? Is there a noticeable improvement over

normal LF lenses, such as Grandagons?

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I have a Schneider Digitar 120, use it for 6x9 and sometimes 4x5, and 6x16cm stitched on rollfilm. It illuminates around 180-200 mm depending on aperture, central 170mm is outstanding. No real benefit when stepped down to f/32, but at larger apertures (even 5.6!) it is hard to beat. Schneider states 150mm IC on this one, which is understated in terms of illumination but could be correct when resolution for digital demands, focus field curvature, chromatic aberration etc is considered.


I would also be curious to hear about actual image circles on Sironar-Digital. From looking at the specs it seems that the 55 and 45 are variations on the corresponding Grandagons (just a speculation).



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