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Nikon color presets

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<p>Hello everyone!</p>

<p>I have a Nikon D700, and I found out something really strange, I can't understand what is going on...<br>

I shot some portraits yesterday in "monochrome" and they looked great on the camera. But today, when I put them in the computer, they were in color!<br>

I couldn't believe, and I made a test, I shot the same thing with the four color options that I have in the camera: "standard, neutral, vivid and monochrome". My surprise: <br>

They look different in the camera, but when I put in the computer they are the exactly the same thing (using aperture, Iphoto and preview). But the strangest thing, is that my thumbnail in Aperture were with the color presets! But when I was clicking one by one, the thumbnails changed for the same color again.</p>

<p>Does anyone knows what is going on please? I refuse to believe that that function in the camera is just to have a preview of what you can do with the picture in post... I'm sure I'm doing something wrong... </p>

<p>Thank you so much!</p>



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<p>If you use Nikon software to transfer files to your computer, chances are that you have proper camera and software settings, your in-camera processing selections will be applied to your JPG pictures while transfering to your computer. Subsequently all viewing software will show your pictures as you intended. E.g. picture rotation, etc.</p>

<p>If you use other software, e.g. Windows Explorer, then you could possibly get original pictures, and some in-camera processing options may not applied upon transfering files to your computer. Some software is capable to apply in-camera options dynamically for display, even after your files were transfered to PC.</p>

<p>You can apply black and white processing to you color photographs in post processing, and that would be my preference.</p>

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You're probably using RAW. RAW always records the data with the camera settings alongside in the file,

as opposed to having the settings modify the image directly. . If you're using non-Nikon software, it

probably doesn't know how to apply Nikon's "Monochrome" or "Vivid", so it just applies the defaults. The

reason the thumbnail is correct is because the camera embeds a JPEG thumbnail inside RAW files that

has the camera settings applied.

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<p>If you shoot RAW, you get color and have to convert it in your software. RAW files do not apply in-camera settings, so a black & white in-camera setting is not applied to a RAW file...only to the embedded JPEG which is what you see on the cameras' back LCD.</p>
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