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TCE-20III & 70-200/2.8VR1 feedback


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<p>Hi All,<br />A while back I posted some test shots from the 70-200/2.8 VR1 + TC-20E III. Soft at f5.6 going to sharp from f8 appeared to be the general concensus. Someone asked to let you know how I got on with it.<br /><br />Well I'm quite pleased having used it in action a few times. I mainly use it when I watch motor racing. At the last few events I've been to the weather has been overcast with rare short burst of sun, going again tomorow - out look overcast and rain :-( <br /><br />My thought on the TC combo:<br />- I find IQ great at f8 and above, more than meets my needs<br />- Maximum zoom with f5.6 tends to get more soft images than I can put up with so I do avoid it. But having said that I did actually bother to process and print a few out they look OK!<br />- The convienince of not having to carry round an extra large lens is nice especially if I'm on my feet all day. Light and fits in my bag. <br />- 400mm shows up my poor technique! I'm usually panning and tracking the cars and I don't use a monopod. I also find focus has to be spot on as the DoF at f5.6 doesn't gve me much room for error. I notice heat haze can effect apparent sharpness. <br />- I'm more than happy with the compromises (which is really just <f8 performance) considering the price vs what I'd need to spend on a 400mm zoom lens. But I don't know if it would be any improvement over the older TC as I've only used this. I did have the 70-300VR and it is certainly producing photos as good as that if not better.<br /><br />Followling this note are three finished pictures that I had printed (on 10x15 inch paper with a white border). They looked fine to me.<br>

<br />After those are a few unprocessed images. Full view images resized to 1000px with 100% crops stuck in the corner. These are basic setting JPEG's straight from camera (D90) with no additional sharpening. I also shot RAW and I find the kind of softness I see at 100% sharpens up nicely in ACR conversion.</p>



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<p>With a D90, I'd set my ISO higher so you can shoot at F8 and 1/1000 or more, but there's nothing wrong with what you got. Also, somebody on here one time (I think it was here) said you might get sharper results if VR is off, too. Did you mess with the RAW images at all or just print the jpegs? I find my out-of-camera D90 jpegs are FANTASTIC for printing that size or smaller.</p>

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Sure glad you posted this. I have a Sigma 70-200 f2.8 and while I guess there is an argument that the Nikon model is better, it sure gives me all that I need for what I do. I have recently asked about using this with a TC 2.0 and got a couple of favorable responses. I ordered it from Adorama yesterday and am eagerly awaiting it's arival. I have a D90 and if I get half as good results as you are showing here I will be extremely pleased.<br>

phil b<br>

benton, ky</p>

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Sure glad you posted this. I have a Sigma 70-200 f2.8 and while I guess there is an argument that the Nikon model is better, it sure gives me all that I need for what I do. I have recently asked about using this with a TC 2.0 and got a couple of favorable responses. I ordered it from Adorama yesterday and am eagerly awaiting it's arival. I have a D90 and if I get half as good results as you are showing here I will be extremely pleased.<br>

phil b<br>

benton, ky</p>

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<p>Thanks for posting your results. It is most helpful because I now know the 70-200/2.8VR1 is still capable of great results when paired with the TC2.0III on a DX body, and that I don't need to upgrade to the VR2. The TC will definitely be in future plans. Thanks!</p>
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