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Health Insurance

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<p>This question is a little out of the ordinary for these forums but I figured I would ask. For those of you that are professional photographers- meaning it's your main source of income, how do you deal with the insurance aspect? I'm looking to make the switch over from full time 9-5 corporate world to just working for my own company which I've owned for 4 years now. I'm making the money I had hoped to make but I'm not sure how to deal with the whole health insurance aspect, where to go? How much on average does it cost? Any input would be great.</p>
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<p>Elizabeth:<br /><br />Check into some of the professional organizations - depending on the type of photography you do - like NPPA, PPA, ASMP etc. Many of them offer health insurance coverage to members.<br /><br />Also some local business organizations - think Chamber of Commerce etc - offer health insurance group rates. Look around, check with the small business resources you can find in your community and state.</p>
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<p>Elizabeth;<br /> You just have to shop around and compare the plans offered in your state that you can use.</p>

<p>Rates vary by state; county; where you live in XYZ county; by age; by deduction; by percentage covered; whether it pays for medicines; how many claims; a total zoo of variables.</p>

<p>The main issue is that you might be in for a Massive shock; it might cost 10 to 20 times what you think. I mention all this because some local fire dept folks are whining about paying 20 to 30 bucks per month out of their own government paychecks for paying of some of their health car costs; and I have a couple employees whos health insurance cost was 2025 bucks per month; 1 year ago.</p>

<p>Thus we private employers can be in a total pickle; I have seen health insurance costs go up 15 to 30 percent per year and had to let folks go; ie did not have enough sales to support them. ie that easy to pay 120 bucks per month that we paid 100 percent went to 2025 per month in 10 years. Last fall when the health care issue was all going one the health insurance company dropped an entire plane with 3 workers on it; costing me over 6 grand per month.</p>

<p>I finally got the 3 recovered again; but it was for 1/2 the coverage and it cost 1440 per month; and the 3 workers went ballistic. I had to fire 2 and pay the 1/3 person more and let them pay for it out of their own pocket. I will close down that business before I get into the health insurance game again. You get in the situation were one is paying 2 grand per month and are considered total scum when their cadallac plan got dropped. That is why the USA has such high labor costs; paying those 2 grand per month bills</p>

<p>The leaders/scum in Washington prevent you from buying a health insurance plan across state lines in the USA; there are too many buddies on the take with kickbacks and giant moats to protect. It is NOT like being able to buy a camera from any dealer in any state; you have a subset of venders.<br /> <br /> EXPLORE every avenue because health insurance might be your biggest or second biggest cost; thus the DETAILS are well worth comparing and studying.</p>

<p>Folks who have others paying for their insurance often are in the dark as far as costs; and often are chapped it they have to pay a tiny part of it</p>

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