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How to calibrate Dell U2711 with Spyder2?

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<p>Up until now I did all my photo editing exclusively on CRT displays.<br /><br />The Dell U2711 is my first LCD display ever. I just got it yesterday and I'm a little lost as to how to get the most out of it.<br /><br />I'll be calibrating the monitor with the Colorvision Spyder2 spectro.<br />I know how to do THAT. However, I'm clueless as to what the display's settings should be.<br /><br />Right now the Brightness is set to 0 (zero) and the Contrast is at 50%. The display still seems a little too bright but I suppose that's because I'm used to CRT's.<br /><br />In "Color Settings" I set the mode to "Adobe RGB" but something tells me this isn't right. If I'm going to calibrate it with a spectro anyway, shouldn't I just leave it on "Standard"?<br /><br />So... who can help me?<br /><br />I'll be using the display for editing my photos in Photoshop and Lightroom and naturally I want the largest possible color gamut, darkest blacks and accurate colors.<br /><br />What should my display settings be in terms of Brightness/Contrast?<br />And what about the Color Mode? There are a few to choose from but it's probably the "Standard" or the "Adobe RGB".<br /> I can also alter the "gain" per each RGB channel. I probably shouldn't touch that but who knows.... Just throwing out there..<br /> I should note that all my work is done in the Adobe RGB colorspace and it's a PC system if that's of any relevance at all (apart from the Gamma difference)<br /><br />Thanks!<br /><br /></p>
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<p>I use a U2711 with a Spyder3 Pro. If the Spyder 2 allows you to adjust RGB controls, use that setting with 'custom color' on the U2711 (allows access to RGB controls).</p>

<p>To achieve around 90 cd/m^2, my brightness is at '14', contrast at default 50. If you run it at about 115cd/m^2, it'll be about 20 on the brightness.</p>

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