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potw may 2 2010


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<p>I'm getting in early this week. Last Tuesday was a holiday in South Africa so I took Monday off and spent a long weekend in Lesotho. I took remarkably few photos, but here are two.<br>

The first is a Lesibe player. This is a traditional instrument made from a broomstick, a horsehair string and the quill of an eagle's feather for a reed.<br>

<img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_vhEmAcoVwjQ/S90tqRknebI/AAAAAAAACFg/EsS_0K5b7gk/20100425-_IGP4042.jpg" alt="" width="385" height="512" /></p>

<p>The second is a view from the top of Mafika Lisiu Pass, 3100m above sea level.<br>

<img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_vhEmAcoVwjQ/S90uG6VeHnI/AAAAAAAACFk/c54LuAljvoQ/20100427-_IGP4079.jpg" alt="" width="512" height="340" /></p>

<p> </p>

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<p><strong>Dorus</strong>, Please try again, they sound interesting and I am sure we would all love to see them. <strong>Henk</strong>, I don't know if I have just not been paying attention but it is nice to see some of your work again. I like the first shot a lot.<strong> Ben</strong>, nice work on all three, I like the leaky tap.<br>

I've been very busy at work lately but it should all come to an end soon! So I haven't done much shooting lately. Here are three from the last couple of weeks. First the basic spring flower shot.</p><div>00WNFd-240925584.jpg.f0d1ec1b350153803c4214f579ee038e.jpg</div>

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<p>Two weeks ago when Mis and I were walking around Boston, we stopped for lunch and were discussing lenses. I put his 77ltd on my K20D and shot this picture. It raises the question, was the young lady in the shot checking out me or Mis? </p><div>00WNFh-240927584.jpg.3b19d6272dadca765be97ad37d0959c0.jpg</div>
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<p>It's been showering (that is, more-than-sprinkles but not rain to non-Northwesterners--I call it windshield wiper setting 2) frequently, so there's enough light to have some fun and even play baseball.</p>

<p>I'll contribute to the flower closeup show with this one of a poppy in our yard.</p>

<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/854034820_fEJyY-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>K20D, Voigtlander 125mm, f 6.7 @ 1/180, ISO 200 + Sigma ringflash</p>

<p>I've been shooting more film lately for the fun and art of it all. These two are Costco scans (that I've retouched lightly) of Kodak B&W 400CN (C41 process) film--which I highly recommend.</p>

<p>Both were taken with the FA* 24mm f 2 lens. While this lens' performance on a DSLR is quite good, it really achieves on a film camera. Using the mega-viewfinder of the SuperProgram + the FA* 24mm is an aesthetic delight.</p>

<p>From one of my haunts that Haig will recognize:</p>

<p>Fisher Pond 35</p>

<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/854021672_zQjAA-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Fisher Pond 34</p>

<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/854021704_8uXgX-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>



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<p><strong >Henk</strong>, I don't know if I have just not been paying attention but it is nice to see some of your work again.</p>


<p>Thanks Robert. I've been overworking myself at other things, to the detriment of my photography and my sanity. While everyone's posting reflections, I also visited Katse Dam last weekend.<br>

<img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_vhEmAcoVwjQ/S92E5v9uOqI/AAAAAAAACGg/srMJxN0yWWI/20100426-_IGP4073.jpg" alt="" width="392" height="512" /><br /></p>

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<p>I took a variety of shots of this vine yesterday and, although I guess it's not a great photo technically, I liked this version best. Taken with the FA 50mm f2.8 Macro it was pretty severely underexposed (125s, f5.6, ISO=500) and--among other things--I had to de-saturate it a bit ;~)</p>

<p> <img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/The-Fun-House/2010/IMGP1654nncasc31600/853257996_oxn47-M.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>But the big deal is that today is Clara's birthday. I took this with the FA 135mm f2.8 yesterday while we were waiting to greet the party guests. It's a bit soft for some reason (certainly not the lens) but, hey, it's a portrait--right? It's probably her last portrait with braces, btw: they come off next week (maybe that's why she's smiling.)<br>

<img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/photos/854069388_DaNRT-L.jpg" alt="" width="480" height="600" /></p>


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<p>Clara has great eyes Dave. It sounds like she'll have lots to celebrate between birthday and braces off. <br>

My favourites so far - Ben's leaky tap, the first shot from Michael and Robert. I can't wait to see what else is posted this week.<br>

My little contribution - another Western Australian sunset - some of the best I've seen anywhere. The other one is from our backyard (before my husband mowed over it.)</p>


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<p>Had Thursday off, so I visited a local preserve I've never been to. Waited long enough that my wife could sneak out of work a bit early too. Very nice little hike in a deep gorge filled with waterfalls.</p>

<p>Great location, just about 3 miles west of the GE headquarters in Schenectady. I've always been meaning to check it out since it is probably the closest ice climbing to where I live by about 15 miles.</p>

<p>This was a 2 image panorama using a 35mm T&S lens, shifted 10mm and then flipped 180* for a second image. The result is a 27MP 3:1 ratio panorama. This is of course once again made possible by the K-7, which eliminates the ugly and pointless protruding flash housing. So nice to once again be able to leave the panoramic head at home in favor of a more simple method when going light at fast.<br>

<a title="Upper Falls, Plotters Kill by Mountain Visions, on Flickr" href=" Upper Falls, Plotters Kill src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3434/4565892573_b4b9844ee6_b.jpg" alt="Upper Falls, Plotters Kill" width="402" height="1024" /></a><br>

<em>Pentax K-7, Arax 35mm T&S shifted 10mm X2, f/11, ISO 100, 1.3 sec, CPL.</em><br>



A little film of Lucifer Falls...<br>

<a title="Lucifer Falls - Treman State Park, Ithaca, NY" href=" Lucifer Falls - Treman State Park, Ithaca, NY <img src="http://static.flickr.com/4028/4555781969_2be62f5e93_d.jpg" border="0" alt="" /></a><a title="Lucifer Falls - Treman State Park, Ithaca, NY" href=" Lucifer Falls - Treman State Park, Ithaca, NY </a><br>

<em>Pentax 645N, 55mm f/2.8 @ f/8, Fuji Provia 100F. </em><br>



A final shot of the waterfalls at Plotters Kill.<br>

<a title="Lower Falls, Plotters Kill" href=" Lower Falls, Plotters Kill <img src="http://static.flickr.com/4007/4566522600_8e2bbd9657_d.jpg" border="0" alt="" /></a><a title="Lower Falls, Plotters Kill" href=" Lower Falls, Plotters Kill </a><br>

<em>Pentax K-7, 21mm DA, f/11 hyperfocal, cpl, 6 second exposure at ISO 160. </em></p>

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<p>Nice stuff everyone! Robers reflected tree and Dc's dawn cathedral I find particularly nice. And Clara looks great - happy birthday to her! My daughters birthday was yesterday, but there were too many kid in most of the pictures to display. Playing with the A16/2.8 fisheye before:</p><div>00WNXE-241077584.jpg.eae61541c2d2047c1c22dfaabeb680c9.jpg</div>
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<p>I've been working with this Graduated Neutral Density filter on landscape shots. I'm still cutting my teeth with it, but I like the results. Composition wise, these shots are average, but I do like the way the ND knocks down the brightness of the sky.</p><div>00WNXV-241079584.jpg.e726d91d4d517ff2771ca28702c8d7da.jpg</div>
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<p>It was a long week at work, so I decided to just wander around San Diego playing tourist on Saturday (and today too, actually). Since I was just playing the DA10-17 Fisheye Zoom seemed appropriate. First shot at my favorite gelato place in Little Italy. Looking at it now I should have gone for more depth of field and gotten the girls in focus too. Guess I'll just have to go back and try again.<br>

<img src="http://frankbaiamonte.smugmug.com/San-Diego/Little-Italy-Balboa-050110/IMGP0314/853710614_WZEXG-L.jpg" alt="" /><br>

Can't spend the day walking around with the FE without at least one self-portrait, this time at the Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park. I have to say, the pattern metering on the K7 works really well, especially considering how bright the background is. <br>

<img src="http://frankbaiamonte.smugmug.com/San-Diego/Little-Italy-Balboa-050110/IMGP0338/853713259_42xuA-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p> </p>

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