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120 6x12 Scanning on Epson v500


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<p>Hi,<br /><br />I am looking for opinions and recommendations of medium format scanner for films and transparencies. I have couple of holgas and will probably get Hasselblad in near future. So for the time I don't want to spend too much money on scanning (<em>keep in mind that here in Dublin a 6x12 scan costs 6.50 euro per frame!!!!</em>)<br /><br />My requirement is very simple: mainly <strong>6x12</strong> and occasionally 6x6 (both negatives and positives). :)<br /><br />I came across EPSON Perfection v500 that can handle frames up to 6x12. I found other threads on it here but none are related to 6x12.<br>

<br />My question is, has anyone used the v500 to scan 6x12 frames? Any thoughts and experiences would be great, and if you have any alternatives to recommend?<br /><br />Thanks,</p>

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<p>I haven't used it to scan 6x12 frames, but I easily could as I often scan 6x6 frames. You scan the preview and then draw a box around what you actually want scanned.</p>

<p>For the money, I don't think there is a better scanner. Plus it comes with Adobe elements for easy touchups and color shifts.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I have an Epson 4490, I just bought it from Amazon. I don't know how it relates to V600 or V500. I have found it to work great with BW Neg. But is horrible with Color Transparencies? I have not tried elements as a tool for color shift but I have expended huge effort in CS 4 to get the Color and sharpness to look good, to no avail. I was wondering if anyone had used the V600 for color transparencies and if they look at all acceptable..At this point I am ready to send this 4490 back and try a V600. I am not sure there is much difference in the units?</p>
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<p>Hameed, You use Holgas and you're worried about the quality of the scanner? :-) OK, you are considering a Hasselblad so now you have a legit concern. I'm with Christopher in promoting the Epson V500. You can see some Photo.net patrons' samples in 'Gallery'>Photo Tags> V500. I seldom print beyond 12"x18", the size our local Costco produces, and have found the V500 to be an excellent performer. I also have a Minolta Scan Dual ll which produces a superior image from 35mm frames but won't do 6x6. I guess the deeper your pockets the higher the quality you can afford but for the money (about $200) the V500 will prove difficult to beat. I use both my scanners with VueScan software for results which please me. I've never been able to master the Minolta software and have never tried the V500 bundled software. Best, LM.</p>
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<p>Hi Hameed,<br>

I found Epson V500 to be good enough for me. You can see <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/warung/sets/72157623850739438/">here</a> how 6x9 scans (both negative and slide). Except for the last image which is taken with digital.</p>

<p>6x4.5: 4 frames<br>

6x6: 3 frames<br>

6x9: 2 frames<br>

6x12: i guess 1 frame</p>

<p>Note that I use film holder from better scanning: http://www.betterscanning.com/scanning/vb_mfholder.html<br>

But i think you can start with Epson's plastic holder to try.</p>



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<p>Well, Len, quality vs price is exactly the issue i am trying to handle -- don't want to pay $8 per frame when i paid 30 for the camera. ;-)</p>

<p>Thanks for the tips guys, definitely considering the v500 now and film holders from <em>BetterScanning</em>.</p>

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