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POTW 4/18/10


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I'm in the middle of exams so two more from last week. Click through for larger.


67II, 55mm, REALA.


<a href=" title="20100407-REALA-001 by manual crank, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4054/4516179161_881ff39e2a.jpg" width="500" height="400" alt="20100407-REALA-001" /></a>


MZS, 24-90mm, TMAX 100


<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/manualcrank/4511435928/" title="20100407-TMX-001 by manual crank, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2119/4511435928_a758050d48.jpg" width="333" height="500" alt="20100407-TMX-001" /></a>

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<p>Hey all! It's been forever it feels like, and I'm not disappointed by browsing through here! <br>

So adding in #3 to the family has made life fuller, and cooler. And harder to tote a camera everywhere. I never thought it'd be so hard to wear a baby & camera at the same time - and now that he's actively trying to steal & eat either the camera or strap (and his being fat n heavy doesn't help)...... well, I dare anybody to hold an octopus & shoot anything!<br>

Any shooting recently has been for pay (woo hoo!) - no "just because." Well, yesterday was a wedding, and fairly unique because we were shooting photo and video, and Matt was the DJ, and 1 girl was guest book, and other girl was flower girl, and baby was.... baby. (breathless yet? :D ). I managed to get about the best portrait daughter #2 has ever let us get (and then promptly quit cooperating & started the goofball faces, as per her norm).<br>

So bear w/ me as I show off the most recent pics - only one of each kid. Proud momma will contain herself, I promise!!<br>

So here's the flower girl, not 30 seconds out of the chair at the salon w/ her 1st updo</p><div>00WGwC-237605584.jpg.33321de4377d733d283de45d773736d3.jpg</div>

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<p>Nice stuff! I'll comment more as I get some time.</p>

<p>I spent the morning taking my son mountain biking and meeting up with wife/mom who was already out on a ride. Beautiful day to be out! Light was challenging mid day but I had to get a shot or two.<br>

<a title="IMGP3803 by somedudeus, on Flickr" href=" IMGP3803 src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2682/4533224995_118b0c8f49_o.jpg" alt="IMGP3803" width="532" height="800" /></a></p>

<p>Interesting piece of ice from last week<br>

<a title="IMGP3660 by somedudeus, on Flickr" href=" IMGP3660 src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2693/4518767904_f24803ce87.jpg" alt="IMGP3660" width="500" height="332" /></a></p>


<a title="IMGP3593 by somedudeus, on Flickr" href=" IMGP3593 src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4047/4518132215_65bef3aaae_o.jpg" alt="IMGP3593" width="531" height="800" /></a></p>

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<p>I am impressed. There's such a range and variety and so much to sit back and learn from what each contributes. Have just come back from family holidays on the west coast of Oz (just up the road a bit). I was somewhat stoked that I got these two. We spied a sea eagle and had the camera working just at the right time. And the other one was as I was playing about with iso's exposures with long shutter speeds etc to attempt some water movement. I like the movement of the dog and people going through just as I shot. </p><div>00WH35-237667584.jpg.9d05c411e0c660411816013ac62bdd4d.jpg</div>
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<p>Early afternoon family gathering, clear sky, bright white dress shirt and dark charcoal slacks, no filter over the lens. A sun-warmth-induced nap after a church service and nice lunch. A pretty heavy crop, I was farther away than I should have been for the lens, but I wanted to stay inconspicuous. Played with the lighting a little bit in Elements along with BW conversion. K20D, Pentax M f/2.8 28mm.</p>

<p><img src="http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p26/stevet_010/napping.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>Good crop of photos! <br>

I like that first one Howard but at large scale & magnified I see a bit of schmutz--maybe from scanning?<br>

I think Michael's Maple is my favorite this week. Runners up include: Haig's tiger (although Somanna's is quite an achievement!), Somanna's elephants, Denise's osprey, Julio's bud and Steve T's snoozer. </p>

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<p>Dave - I didn't look look at the really enlarged version until too late. I didn't see it on the slide, but should have used the blower on it, just in case as well as wiping down the scanner glass, really well. Also enlarging in PS just in case. Lesson learned.</p>
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<p>BTW, that scene has a lot of pleasant associations for me, Howard: I floated through it 5 days a week for two summers on the St. John's Guild "Floating Hospital" and my son, Abe, was born on Governor's Island. </p>

<p>Oh, and I want to add a mention for M E's purple iris: I was looking for it when I was writing my comments and will absolutely swear it had disappeared [queue "Twilight Zone" theme.] </p>

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<p>Thanks Dave and Peter Z for your kind words.<br>

Lots of good ones this week. My favorites:</p>

<p>-Howard's Upper West Side Sunset, just for the mood and color.<br>

-Rebecca's happy bride shot is contagious, great lighting too.<br>

-Peter Z's second one for the memories it triggers. Wonder how it would look in B&W with contrast yanked up.<br>

-John O'K's Swim Practice brings out the Summer in my mind<br>

-Somanna's elephant shot is nicely lighted and the forms look cool; plus any shot of a tiger crossing the road is a keeper, not that I have any in my collection. . .<br>

-Leo P's shots bring to mind William Eggleston<br>

-Maria's are full of love energy, great kids<br>

-Matt B's mud has great texture<br>

-Nice grab Denise of that eagle</p>



<p> </p>

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