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just my thoughts


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<p>I was thinking that maybe the photo critique and rating should be allowed only to subscribers, in that way, only people who spent some time on this and really want to participate on the site will do it.<br>

In my personal experience (i `m very new here anyway..) the only comments i had when i put something in the critique forums have been done for subscribers, and have been useful and constructive.<br>

With respect to all the pros around here, i think that the rating system is a good way on to know how you are doing it, and what you need to improve<br>

In that sense, i would prefer just one rating and one comment than a lot of 3/3 from anonymous ones without any comment.....</p>

<p>thanks for reading</p>


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<p>Hi Mikael<br>

yes, sure it is, but in my very personal opinion, it is something that can be improved, i think that just in the way that it is, the critique system allows trolling, and i bet that`s the reason of why someones did`n t take care of the photo critique forum as i have read on some posts around here....</p>

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<p>"<em>... maybe the photo critique and rating should be allowed only to subscribers.</em>"</p>


<p>I don't speak for photo.net, but have been here long enough to get a pretty good read of those in charge, and such a restriction is not going to happen.</p>

<p>Your implication that only subscribers would have anything useful to contribute to your critique requests is, to be blunt, insulting. And completely nonsensical. For all you know your "anonymous" 3/3 ratings could be coming from subscribers. There are no anonymous trolls, as the admins can see each and every rating left by each and every registered member.</p>

<p>Just my thoughts ...</p>

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<p>Dear Michael</p>

<p>You should not take my implication that only subscribers would have something useful to contribute as personal, maybe is not your case but, it is something that happens and it is a reality, we like it or not.<br>

This reality maybe is not important for many ones but, it has a grade of importance, because, as far as i understand how the things are going on this site, here is a ranking of photos that is determined by his ratings.<br>

So, from that point of view, it is very sensical.<br>

I would not be saying this if the behaviour of all raters were diferent, and also, all the topics related with also will not exist.<br>

It is the kind of behaviour that is not useful what is making me thinking this, it is not my intention to come here to insult everyone, in the same way that every one who has put this topic before has done.<br>

Your statement is based on supositions, mine is based in facts.<br>

It is a suposition to say that my "anonymous" ratings "could be" coming from subscribers, because it the same way can come from non-subscribers.<br>

I don`t think is a bad idea, sure, can hurt some sensitive people, but, i think that can be a good thing, i `m not saying that i got the truth, i `m just sharing my thoughts, just like you.</p>

<p>Thanks for reading</p>


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