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Removing lens bloom

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<p>The Mamiya 80mm lenses are very well designed and easy to disassemble and clean. As Andrew says, remember the order things go and which direction they face as you disassemble them. And very importantly, do not disassemble the taking lens if only need to clean the viewing lens... it can be very confusing to have two sets of identical parts!</p>

<p>Note that the Mamiya lenses are built up out of groups of elements that are cemented together and cannot be taken apart... so each part of the lens appears to be "thicker" than you might expect. You can clean the exterior surfaces of these groups but if there is fungus between the elements within a group, it's pretty much a lost cause. </p>

<p>Also, all lenses are compatible with all bodies, so if you find that your lens set is damaged beyond cleaning, you can easily replace it with another set. </p>

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