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What is the feature on your current DSLR that you are most missing?


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<p>Even though you could somehow swap the D200's sensor with the D3S', how would that help?</p>

<p>The D200's viewfinder, mirror box, shutter, etc. are all designed for the DX sensor. If you could somehow stick the D3S' FX sensor in there, it would suffer a permanent DX drop.</p>

<p>But all of those are still besides the point. The D3S is wonderful for low-light photography because it has a lot of state-of-the-art electronics around the sensor. Its multi-CAM 3500-based AF system still provides very good AF under dim light. The D200's Multi-CAM 1000 would have a lot of trouble under those same conditions. (I also have a D200.) I have used the D3S @ ISO 12800 during a presentation at work when all the lights were off except for what comes from the projector. The colors are weird but the D3S is amazing.</p>

<p>That is partly why I am not at all interested in those 20MP, 24MP DSLRs with a poor AF system.</p>

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<p>Every feature I'd like added to my D2H already exists in more recent models: a few more megapickles, but not too many; lower noise at higher ISOs; more flexible auto-ISO for use with flash; smaller and lighter body.</p>

<p>The obvious solution would be for me to get a more up to date model. But I don't actually need those features. I just want them.</p>

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<p>Frankly, I'm quite perfectly happy with my D300. It really does everything I could wish for, andf then some more. I have no need for full frame at the moment (though sometimes it itches), but would I go that way I'm quite sure the D700 would suit me perfectly fine.<br>

I would not object to a Capture NX update that would make ISO1600-3200 of the D300 a tad more usable, though.</p>

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<p>Focus points that cover the whole frame on full frame sensor D3{x,s} cameras, as they did on the earlier DX models. This is a huge deficiency in Nikon (and other vendors') current DSLRs, and it was the single thing that disappointed me most when I upgraded.</p>
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<p>I use both a D700 and a D200 and what I'd say is "missing":</p>



<li>Brighter, bigger viewfinders with manual focusing aids like a split prism (available aftermarket though)</li>

<li>More customizable bracketing. Maximum bracketing step on recent Nikons has been up to 1 EV and I find myself taking 7 shots just to get +/- 3 EV and throwing out 4 of them because all I need is +3 and -3. </li>

<li>Using the AF motor to manually adjust focus when tethered over USB</li>

<li>Removal of arbitrary steps and limitations in things like self timer and interval shooting, like steps, minimums and maximums. </li>


<p>I can't actually think of anything else.</p>

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<p>Better high-ISO performance, bigger brighter viewfinder for MF, more customizable (fewer limitations) in features/settings have already been mentioned. The other important thing I miss is small size and weight. I wish Nikon makes a camera/lens system with all of these!</p>
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<p>Shun, your are right. I forgot D200 is a DX body. I meant I miss the high ISO capability. AF is not important for me because I use MF lenses most of the time for fun. The AF system on my D200 have been sleeping for a long time, only occasionally being waken up :) to make sure it is still alive. :)<br>

Steven J: interesting point :). I like that.</p>


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<p>From my viewpoint I'd like my D700 with an <strong>external bracketing button</strong> like the 'good ol' days' and also with a <strong>100% viewfinder</strong> - other than that I'm happy with my D700 as it is and can live without these wish list features for some time to come..........</p>
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<p>I'm using a D50, so I'm sure that there are a lot of things on newer bodies that would be nice to have, but the only thing that I really feel that I'm "missing" is a bigger, brighter viewfinder. I use some slower MF lenses, and focusing can be a challenge.</p>
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<p>I'm not going that I miss things on my D80 that I'd only expect to see on the newer and far more expensive D700 or D3.</p>

<p>However within its price bracket I would love to see 2 simple things, both ISO related:</p>

<p>1. The an option to allow diabling of Auto-ISO when the camera goes to M mode (I say an option because I've read here one or two people who still use Auto-ISO in M mode quite effectively)</p>

<p>2. An Auto-ISO option which reads the lens attached and gives the reciprocal as the threshold shutter speed (and automatically changes if you zoom or change lenses). eg. if I have my 35mm prime on Auto-ISO kicks in at 1/50 or lower (remember, correting for DX crop factor). If I then switch to my 85mm prime the camera shold kow automatically to adjust that threshold to around 1/125</p>

<p>I will also enjoy Live View which kind-of qualifies because it made it into the D90, but I understand that the D80 was just before that era.</p>

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<p>I just wish there was an easier way of switching non-CPU lens settings besides ramping through menus each time I change a lens. But that's my fault for not using a set of brand new lenses with all the latest features. It's really no big deal though I can change pretty fast.</p>
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<p>I have the D200 bought it with rebates and such. Not sure I'd ever do that again since, this is the 2nd time I bought a Nikon product with big rebates and a week later they release a new item (in this case I bought the D200 and not even a couple weeks later comes the D300 for about the same price). </p>

<p>I am REALLY missing the feature (found on the D300, D700, etc.) to adjust the focus of each lens and the camera remembers those settings. I'm all about tight DOF. On my D200 set my lens to F1.4 and autofocus on an animals eyes (I like pictures of animals), take the shot and the eyes will be blurry but the ears will be tack sharp. It's focus is about 1/2" off, which the later models have an adjustment that can be saved to correct for that for each lens since they're all different. Right now, I focus on the eyes and try to move back 1/2" to take the shot and have to take many hoping one will be okay. Problem is, animals tend not to cooperate after the first shot. Sure wish I could adjust the focus of that lens like the D300 and later cameras. </p>

<p>I know you said feature, but I also want live view. A D200 with its crop factor often has me setting up a tripod as far back against a wall as I can, no room for me to look through the viewfinder so I have to guess and after taking the photo preview it. Then make adjustments and hope I got it this time, take the photo, look at it again, make adjustments, rinse and repeat. With Live View I could see and setup the picture exactly how I want in no time. I don't know why I seem to end up so many times in a situation I can't fit my head to see through the viewfinder and wish... if only I could see the image on the screen. </p>

<p>Full Frame sensor. Only because I am a DOF fanatic and crop factor cameras don't have it as tight like a full frame. </p>

<p>I am very happy with the D200's 12MP, I would probably not prefer more (and have to deal with the bandwidth, hard drive space, extra time, etc.). I really wished I'd waited a couple weeks, a D300 isn't a little better, the D300 is a lot better than a D200. If you want to upgrade, it's really a tough call between a D300 and D700... the D300 is that good (the D700 may not be the better choice).</p>

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<p>I switched from Pentax to Nikon, so some features I wish for in Nikon are:<br>

in-body image stabilization<br>

a shutter+aperture priority mode (leaving the camera to determine ISO)<br>

an ISO priority mode (leaving the camera to determine aperture and shutter).<br>

a button to set exposure to the program exposure when in manual mode.<br>

a menu to specify how program exposure is selected (e.g. biased toward wider aperture, faster shutter speed, highest resolution based on MTF data, etc.)</p>

<p>One feature I wish for is a 1/500 sync speed like the D70 (my sync speed is 1/250).</p>

<p>One feature I'd like that's not present yet in any camera I'm aware of is wireless flash control via radio.</p>

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<p>I have a Nikon D80. I'd like a meter that doesn't behave quite as erratically (blowing out highlights just because there's anything dark in the scene anywhere, for example). The irritating thing is this is just a firmware fix!</p>

<p>In terms of a hardware change to the D80, I'd like a couple of stops more sensitivity, as I often find myself wishing for more depth of field.</p>

<p>Sounds like I want a D90... I'm holding on for the D90 replacement, though, the D80 is fine as long as I babysit the exposure compensation.</p>

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