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POTW 4/11/10


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<p>Justin, Sweet. That is one sweet shot. I could never compete, nor would I want to compete, with your exceptional shots. Dix, well, it just simply is tough. Tough to get to. Tough to climb. Tough to get a freakin' nice view. Tough to get a nice capture. It is rated like the 4th best Adirondack view which I am sure you know. My view from Dix Summmit <a href="http://s407.photobucket.com/albums/pp153/marzrw/10-2-09%20Dix%20Mt/?action=view&current=7.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp153/marzrw/10-2-09%20Dix%20Mt/7.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a> My brother, exhausted, depleted, dehydrated, demoralized, managed to take one shot of me trying to capture Elk Lake <a href="http://s407.photobucket.com/albums/pp153/marzrw/10-2-09%20Dix%20Mt/?action=view&current=TheShooter-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp153/marzrw/10-2-09%20Dix%20Mt/TheShooter-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a> Elk Lake from a view point descending Dix Mt <a href="http://s407.photobucket.com/albums/pp153/marzrw/10-2-09%20Dix%20Mt/?action=view&current=12.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp153/marzrw/10-2-09%20Dix%20Mt/12.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a></p>
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<p>Your view looks about like what I get. What is the deal with the skies clearing on the descent almost every time? Your post last week got that February weekends shots off my memory card and out into the world. I'm sure they would have languished there for several more months to the dismay of my hiking partner.</p>

<p>BTW, the way you seem to enjoy abusing your brother sounds a lot like my trips with my brother. The last email he sent me about our May slide climbing trip was:<br>

1. Will we die?<br>

2. Will we be seriously injured?<br>

3. Will you leave us to die?</p>

<p>(and those were actual questions, not stuff I'm making up).</p>

<p>We have a good weekend planned though, Eagle slide, Kilburn, and either Whiteface or Macomb slides. Should be some good photos, and maybe a few videos of my brother sliding down a slide!</p>

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<p>Cheating this week- I already posted this in another thread. I have been spending some time with the Sigma 10-20 and I am loving this lens.</p>

<table >



<td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/e1DpStFd3tIkEF3k5dMj0g?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_OoQ7VkErqWQ/S7WEZV-869I/AAAAAAAAFXQ/ByRKZGPk16I/s800/View%20from%20Santorini%20Grill_1.jpg" alt="" /></a></td>



<td >From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/john.jwphoto/NightPhotography?feat=embedwebsite">Night Photography</a></td>




<p>K20d / Sigma 10-20mm</p>

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<p>Really like the first 2 Javier, haven't seen that on your blog. What is the story with the screamer though?! It's quite intense!</p>

<p>Anyways I'm really enjoying these spring photos, and of course Justin mixes it up with some hardcore winter pics!</p>

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<p>Better late than never...<br>

Haig: great butterfly shots. I need to get to the that place one day when I'm in Denver. <br />robert colameco: Love that reflection. Beautiful!<br />Jeremiah: I always like a good shadow shot and that is what you have there. Great work!<br />Lorenzo: I really like your sunset. Great composition and execution.<br />Javier: I'm also interested in the story ehind the screamer. She seems to have really surprised the other guy with the camera! The faces are also great. That's a fun image!<br /><br />I spent the first part of the week in the San Luis valley staying in a Yurt at a hot springs (Joyful Journey) and the latter part visiting my parents in Michigan to help them with some computer projects. I didn't shoot much in Mi, but got some time to shoot in the valley.<br /><br />Great Sand Dunes in high winds. We all got a free facial dermabraision that day.<br>

<a title="IMGP3168 by somedudeus, on Flickr" href=" IMGP3168 src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4033/4502079992_06bdd55d7b_o.jpg" alt="IMGP3168" width="640" height="425" /></a></p>

<p>I got to do some macro work in a greenhouse they had at the hot springs while the winds howled outside.</p>

<p><a title="IMGP3150 by somedudeus, on Flickr" href=" IMGP3150 src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4046/4498732561_ce95d2a0b7.jpg" alt="IMGP3150" width="500" height="333" /></a></p>

<p>And finally, the old hardware store in Crestone. What a trip that town is! If you're ever in the neighborhood check it out!</p>

<p><a title="IMGP3558 by somedudeus, on Flickr" href=" IMGP3558 src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2730/4499369326_fcb56a6c47.jpg" alt="IMGP3558" width="500" height="333" /></a></p>

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<p>This weeks faves:<br /> Haig and Michael -Great pictures from both of you, but, if you're going to "cheat" :-) , you're gong to have to tell the rest of us how to do it! Again, great pics.<br /> Robert - Boathouse Row is great, but #3 is gorgeous.<br /> David - the mint comment stopped me from seeing the lamb as cute. Couldn't it as food either.... The kite reminded me of films of WWII aerial dogfights - why did they call them "dogfights"?<br /> Jemal - I'm sure she didn't mind after seeing the results - #1 is topnotch.<br /> Jeremiah - interesting, effective and affective - where will you place 2nd light?<br /> Steve - Vignetting on pond added an air of mystery to pond; I had to look 2 & 3x at reflections; nice capture of alpenglow on clouds. Timing is everything.<br /> Justin - Unreal, man. You go where I never will and you take great pictures.<br /> Javier - "Screamer" worthy of Life and Look magazines, if they still existed. Frame it.<br /> Matt - Drop on leaf - I tried last week and couldn't get it.<br /> Jordan - Glad you're back - good color.<br /> This group of photogs, in this forum really keeps me trying. Nice work guys!</p>
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<p>Thanks Howard, I would try to place a snooted or gridded strobe towards His head for a little "halo" wrap around like you see in traditional paintings and stained glass. I think I'd have to try the effect at home first so when I get there I know exactly where to put it for the effect I want. :-)</p>

<p>I'm late on my comments....<br>

Haig, I'm very much enjoying the collages! The Luna is my favorite.<br>

ME, I'd like to see this bird go fishing in person!<br>

RobertC, I dig the trolley, I've never ridden one in my life.<br>

Patrick, Nice shot! I've tried concert photography, and it's hard to get something as clear as yours.<br>

Nick, My eldest just got her training wheels off, and I missed it. I wasn't home. You're fortunate that you were present!<br>

DavidN, I really need to put Wales on my European Tour.<br>

DaveH, the variety of styles and subjects that you conquer is astounding!<br>

SteveD, I dig the black and white reflection off the pond. :-)<br>

Lorenzo, the DA15 does well against lens flare, eh? :-)<br>

Justin and Bob, you guys make me want to go hiking.<br>

Tom, I agree! That is bokehlicious.<br>

Howard, is that the Sigma 50-200? I like the shots! Very clean.<br>

Javier, The Screamer is a hit this week! The shot makes you wonder....<br>

MattB, again, I REALLY gotta get out to the Dunes.<br>

JordanT, I'm glad spring has sprung. I missed the flowers over the winter!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thanks Howard.<br>

To answer your question about unifying multiple images in one larger image: just use the either the Picture Package function in Photoshop (File>Automate) or you can create a template in Lightroom's Print module. I use the latter. Select the images you want to combine and configure the combination of cells and sizes in the software. Mine is a 2x4 (two rows, 4 columns) and I saved configuration as a template. Very visual and easy.</p>

<p>Haig will provide details how his approach was implemented, but it is less structured than formal rows and columns. I've used the collage approach in Photoshop by using the Photomerge function (File>Automate) and then the Reposition Only option. Nice job Haig BTW. And I owe you a phone call. . .Thanks.</p>


<p> </p>

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<p>Jeremiah - Thanks. I would try a full sidelit silhouette. No, the 50-200 is the Pentax kit lens. It can shine when when I get it right. As for trolleys, they used to have them in NY when I was a kid (they had just invented the round wheel). The Bronx has recently introduced a trolley for tourists, no tracks, but old time car.</p>

<p>Michael - thanks for the collage tip, I need a reason to dive into PS4, I bought it recently, but haven't used it. I'll give it a try.</p>

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<p>Collages are relatively easy to create in CS3. Open PS and create a new document (ctrl+N).<br>

Set the width and height to 700 pixels (for photo.net posting).<br>

Once you have that ready, then open the pictures you want to use, and resize them to about 230 pixels width.. which will effectively allow you to put 3 photos across.<br>

Then using the move tool (V), move your photos onto the blank template. (you can choose your background color). These new photos will come in on their own layers.. after you finish repositioning them, make sure you flatten the layers, and save.<br>

As an aside, I like the black background, but it's also nice to put a very tiny gray border around each photo.. just so the dark areas of the photo do not melt into the background. It's best to do that before you move them onto the blank template.<br>

Also, before you flatten the image, each layer can have it's opacity changed.. this allows for layers to "show through".<br>

Hope that helps. I have not played around with it as much as I would like to.. I'm sure there are better and or faster ways to do all that.<br>

Thank you all for your comments by the way :-)<br>

I liked a lot of the photos this week.. my favorite though is Lorenzo's shot.</p><div>00WFwi-237107884.jpg.b4fd85df370a21fd610b4e68f64542d5.jpg</div>

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