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editing pictures in-camera


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<p>SO - I finally decided I couldn't wait any longer, and made the step forward from a D90 with a bunch of lenses to a D700+24-70!</p>

<p>I'm happy, but there's one thing i cannot figure out, no manual or anything seems to mention and that is:</p>

<p><strong>How can I edit NEF's in the camera, for such things as exposure, WB, and the like - as is possible with the D90.<br />Can it be done, and if so, how?</strong></p>

<p>thanks loads in advance!<br />-Louis </p>

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<p>thanks.... i just couldn't find it anywhere because i have a german manual and i do EVERYTHING in english..... i flipped through it for like half an hour and figured it'd be easier to google it. "in-camera RAW editing" will give you a bunch of sites regarding Adobe Camera RAW.....<br>

so i had to ask here<br>

anyhow,<br />thanks again.<br />-Louis </p>

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