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Image resize/ Pentax software issues


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<p>Does anyone else out there use the Pentax Digital Camera Utility (4.0) software that comes with the K-x (and I assume other camera packages)? I've run into two issues, the first irritating and second unmanageable:<br>

1. To resize a whole folder of images (down to a web-friendly 700 pixels, for example): I select the images, right click to select "Process multiple files", set the size and destination folder, naming scheme, etc. Then I click the button to process them, wait while the "progress" dialog box does it's thing... then POOF! No images end up in the destination folder. Quadruple-checked the whole process. Nothing. What am I missing?<br>

2. After a few days of fighting with this batch-process issue, now my software won't even start. Message: "PTXUTL40.EXE has encountered a problem and needs to close." Uninstalled, re-installed, same problem. </p>

<p>I'm sure that most digital Pnet users are probably using Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.- once it's in the budget, I will too. But in the meantime, if anyone has any suggestions for other ways to resize, I'd love to hear them. <br>


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<p>I use the Pentax software all the time, but I never used it for batch resizing - I usually do that with <a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php">ImageMagick</a>. I also use <a href="http://www.gimp.org/">gimp</a> for individual post-processing. I never allocated budget for Adobe :)<br>

I've only used the Pentax software for batch producing original size JPGs. Or for individual adjustments to a RAW file. I never had a serious problem with it.<br>

Have you tried cleaning up manually the installation folder after uninstalling - just in case some configuration files were left behind?</p>

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