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<p>I used the trial version from Onone software to see If I'll find it interresting to buy. After the trial period ended, the One package erase himself from my computer.<br>

Since then my PS CS4 does not work anymore, there is always a message saying : "This application can't start because imsense.dll is not availaible. Reinstalling the application can solve this problem." I tried to reinstall PS CS4 but without success. Still the same problem.<br>

Also, when trying to access anything in the menu bar there is a window that opens and say : "Onone librairy" whit a big X and a small box whit OK in it".<br>

Any idea how to solve this problem? I tried to find where to download imsense.dll but can't find it on the web.<br>

Can anyone make a copy of it and send it to me.</p>


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<p>I would either suggest writing to Immense explaining what has happened and requesting them to send you this file or if you google the file, you'll find it on a rapidshare site - could be dangerous! Don't forget that when you finally get this file, the programme could later say that another file is missing.... Good luck!</p>
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<p>Pierre, the problem was not CS4, and you cant just reinstal it without first trashing everyhting menaing pref file and hiden folder.. that you can only do with a desinstal / reinstall. The it is also the first time that i hear or see a file desintegrate itself after a trial period.. never append before, so i dought that really append.. but one thing for sure is that after that trial period the software simply just stop working.</p>

<p>You best bet will be to conatct On One to ask the correct procedure to follow, or try to redownload the soft, installaing it so that way everything is back to is original place, then deisntalling it form the software.</p>

<p>You can also do a search in your system and delete everything with the word Onone in it, preference and plugin in your Cs4 folder.. normally the later should work perfectly .. just look in your CS4 filter plugin and see if you can find a Onone plugin tyhere (you should) remove it from there and things should be fine after.</p>

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<p>here is the solution finally :</p>


<h3><a title="I am receiving a message with the onOne Library and a RED X – Windows only" href="http://www.ononesoftware.com/support/knowledgebase/2010/02/i-am-receiving-a-message-with-the-onone-library-and-a-red-x-windows-only/">I am receiving a message with the onOne Library and a RED X – Windows only</a></h3>

<p><small>February 25, 2010</small></p>


<p>Here is the error window you will see:<br>

Please close all of your applications currently open (Photoshop, etc). To remove this error message, please remove the following two files which are parts to the onOne Library:<br>

onOne Library.dll<br />onOne Library.acel.8bx<br>

These two files help create the onOne menu. These files are in the following location:<br />Windows: \Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\Plug-Ins<br>

thanks to all of you</p>


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