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Hi, I am about to receive an eos 600 body from a reputable shop in a

few days. There will not be a manual. I have used eos bodies before

so I will probably have no problems operating it. However, are there

any things I should be aware of with this camera?


Also, I read that this camera has 7 custom functions. Please inform

me which ones and how to install them.


Thanks for any replies, Frank

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CF Settings Off = 0, On = 1


1. Film rewind


Off: Automatic


On: Rewind button


2. Film tounge


Off: Rewound into film cartridge


On: Left outside film cartridge


3. ISO setting


Off: Set by DX code (manual override possible


On: Manual only


4. AF start


Off: With shutter release button


On: With selective metering button


5. Manual mode


Off: Shutter speed M-button (or LCD light Input dial button) and input dial


On: Aperture Input dial M-button (or LCD light button) and input dial


6. Camera shake


Off: On in (()) mode or green square mode


On: Warning Off


7. AF with USM lenses


Off: Can only be adjusted manually with the lens in manual mode.


On: Can always always be adjusted


Its a great camera. The only thing I took time geting used to having used EOS ElanII (50E) and EOS A2E (EOS 5) is the manual setting where you have to set the shutter speed using the dial then press the "m" button while turning the dial to shift the aperture and it shows "OP" for open up or "CL" for Close down rather than "-" or "+" on the exposure.

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The EOS Documentation Project <a href=



is a volunteer organization for self-help to EOS equipment users.

These are NOT reviews - but rather down-to-earth details about

how to achieve results from EOS gear.


Contributions are always welcome. For instance, does anyone

with an EOS 630 / 600 have access to a digital camera and

softbox? We need photos of the dials, buttons, and body for

the 630 document. Contact <a href=


>me</a> for details.


Or, maybe you know someone inside Canon who can give up

permission to serve up electronic copies of old manuals.

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