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Cleaning lens....


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<p>I was reading up on the lens cleaning section in the learn part of this website. It said to use a microfibre cloth, cleaner solution and an air canister. My problem is that the dust is under the top glass part of my len... What can I do to get rid of that??? Am i supposed to take apart the lens?! Eekkk if that's the case... I'm nervous about that... </p>

<p>Basically when I look down into the lens (from the side that faces away from the camera), i see specks of dust under that top layer of glass.... (that's what I can't get out... ) help? </p>

<p>I may not be using the proper terminology... sorry about that... </p>

<p>Thanx!<br />B. </p>

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<p><strong>Ignore it.</strong> Unless there is a huge amount of dust inside your lens, literally coating the glass surfaces from edge to edge, it will have absolutely no impact whatsoever on your photographs.</p>

<p>If you can count individual dust specks, you have nothing to be concerned about. IMHO most amateur photographers are much too paranoid about internal lens dust.</p>

<p>Take some pictures, have some fun, and don't worry about a few "dust bunnies". :-)</p>

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