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What camera or system are you becoming most fond of?

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Well I bought 30m/100ft of a B&W 35mm film so I will definitely be doing lots of 35mm this year. The Summer of 2008 I was bringing up all the MF I had packed in the cellar. Now it's time to exercise all the neglected 35mm stuff.. like Yashica Lynx's and FX1/2 etc. Right now I'm really enjoying the Voigtlander Vito B. It's shutter sounds so nice and despite some initial trepidation the Contax IIa will be loaded

this week! The Kievs don't really need the exercise, but the Jupiter 12 won't fit the Contax! I really liked using the Pentax SP500 last week ..what a nice quiet SLR ..and small. I was testing an old project CZJ Tessar. Nice combo!! So in conclusion I'm into shutter sounds ..exercising my 35s and have multiple repair projects in progress... stay-tuned!!

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<p>I love all my Minolta Gear and a couple years back i needed a decent medium format camera and took a chance on a 30 dollar used TLR and fell in-love with a Ricoh Diacord L. However ecently i was given a Canon A-1 with 50mm f/1.2 lens and I really like it allot, especially the fact its got Apature priority shutter priority and Program mode all in one camera. But i fight the urge to purchase more lenses for it because i don't want to start buying more lenses for another obsolete system. I only still purchase MD lenses , because at least i can adapt them to the 4/3 DSLR.</p>
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<p>I have a bunch of different cameras but my favorite film camera is an 8008s with a 35-70 manual zoom. Right behind that is either the F3HP or the FM and I like the Mamiya 645e. <br>

However.. most of the photos I have were taken with a P&S Kodak DX 4900 Easy Share digital. That died last year. :( I replaced it with a Canon Powershot A 550 that I like OK but not as much as the old DX 4900. <br>

While I use them for pro jobs, the cameras I dislike the most are DSLR's. </p>

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<p>I've been thinking about this for a day now, and I still can't come up with one, single answer. Sometimes I feel like a Praktica nut, sometimes I don't.</p>

<p>Sometimes, even, a strange, preverse feeling steals over me and I end up shooting one of my Leica clones or, ...gasp..., even an Exakta.</p>

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<p>Hi, Andy -</p>

<p>I agree with Rick, truly hard to define one system or camera. I've run through the gamut over these many years, OM-1n's, SRT 101's, Autoreflex T. They all had their strong points, few had disadvantages, mostly size and weight of the Konica was about it, but all performed quite well for me. Now for 35mm I use the M-6 TTL, but still wind plenty of film through the Retina IIa. The Retina is just such a nice piece of kit, old for sure but great images to be had, also the sentimentality attached to it because of it's age and being gifted to me by the original owner. </p>

<p>For 120 I can't place either the Hasselblad or the Rollei TLR's above the other. Between my E-2 and Vb I favor the E-2 with 3.5 Xenotar. My 500CM with C* Planars is superb, but I think on an even plain with the Rollei's. Toss a coin.</p>

<p>Wisner 4X5 with Schneider optics is fine, but not handy, not much use these days.</p>

<p> One defining statement I could make, if the camera cops came to the door and said "keep one, the rest go with us," hands down the M-6 stays. But I'd sure miss all of them. Best regards.</p>


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<p> I have always liked trying different systems. These last couple of months I find myself returning to the Olympus system after using Om-1's and Om-2's in the nineteen seventies. I am looking for a nice Om-4 which is one I have never tried. My Nikon system will never leave me even though I am now down to a Nikkormat FTn, FT2, and Nikon F with a few lenses.<br>

Lately the medium format bug has been hitting me hard and I love shooting with either the Yashicamat 124 G or the Minolta Autocord, neither of which, I suppose, is a true system camera.</p>

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<p>I was always a Pentax-K mount devotee, having moved to that (my workhorse MX and ME-Super) from my old screw-mount Yashica TL-Electro. But my re-acquaintance with the TL-Electro has spurred a head-first dive into the screw-mount pool, having recently acquired a fully functional Honeywell Spotmatic and a black Heiland H2, and an H1a (which needs some TLC). I like the idea of having the lens flexibility between the TL-Electro and the Pentaxes, as I now have both Takumars and Yashinons of various focal lengths. I'm having waaaay too much fun!</p>
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<p>I've been an FD and EOS user for half my life, and the T90 is my emotional favorite. But over the last couple of years I've been acquiring olde Minolta gear, and the XD11 is my current go-to camera. Lovely camera, wonderful to hold, a real smooth operator.</p>
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<p>I started with an old manual Canon AE-1 in college. My photojournalism instructor had the new (at the time) F4. I picked up a beat up F3 and instantly fell in love. I've been using the Nikon system ever since. I've got several lenses from the early 70s that I use on my D700 as well as my FE-2 and F3HP. I've looked around quite a bit, but have found nothing offered by other manufacturers that would tempt me to change brands.</p>
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<p>I initially fell in love with Minolta SRT-101s, moved on to Nikon with the F2A, but then fell in love with the F3HP for many years. I subsequently fell in love with the Contax G2 system and all those beautiful and compact Zeiss lenses. Then film got too expensive and I went through various trial separations. Now I'm quite in love with my Nikon D90 and still use some of my lenses from the F3HP period.</p>
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<p>I really like the fact that I can use the same lenses to shoot film with my Nikon F2A and FM2n on one day, and digital with my D200 the next. However, for real retro fun, my Leica IIIf with Summitar, Jupiter 12 and 90mm chrome Elmar is my favorite.</p>
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