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Digital Wakeup Call DVD set


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<p>I have read some great reviews on David Zisers book Capturing the Light and will definitely buy it. He has a few packages on his website that also include a 3 DVD Set Digital Wakeup Call so I am wondering whether to buy the DVD set also. I imagine there may be some overlap in information between the two. For those that have seen both, would I be doubling up or are they both worth getting. </p>
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<p>Thanks. I was actually looking at Kelby Training last light as an alternative to buying the DVD set. <br>

The good thing about the Kelby Training videos is that they are shot on location and cover common issues such as shooting in bright sunlight. Am I right in thinking the Digital Wakeup Call DVDs are all recorded on Davids Tour and would be inside footage at the convention centre. <br>

The only issue with Kelby Training is that it seems to stop periodically to buffer which can be distracting. </p>

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<p>I have the book and I attended the digital wake up tour. The book is excellent, and well worth the purchase, but it does go over some of the same things that the tour talked about. It goes into more depth in some places, and adds some new information in others, but it is very similar in content. That makes me wonder if the dvd's would be a repeat, too. I have watched some of his other dvd's, and they have been good (he goes through shooting on location- bridal poortrait and a reception), but again, the information starts to repeat. Maybe it is because his overall style is starting to sink in? Anyway, get the book for sure (cheaper on Amazon and ships free), but I would think about the dvd's. </p>
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<p>Jen - thanks. I went with the book. I might get a month of Kelby training and run through some of Davids stuff there. Hopefully that wont spoil the book for me. I have got a few weddings this month so could use the inspiration while I wait. </p>


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