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Voigtlander Bessa III vs. Fuji 667 Price Difference - Why?


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<p>Just checked out the Voigtlander Bessa III folder at B+H - and then the "equivalent" Fuji 667. Price for Voigtlander is listed as 2250, while the Fuji is 1899. To me, this should signify more than just cosmetic differences (Voightlander is black, Fuji is Chrome).</p>

<p>Anybody know what's up with this?</p>

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<p>Though the camera is made by the same people, it is marketed by two different companies -- I don't believe both are officially bringing the camera to the US market, so the price difference is probably due to how they are imported. The more expensive one is likely an official import, and the cheaper one is a parallel import/gray market/different import channel. But at the end of the day, they are two different companies, and even if the product is exactly the same, they might price it differently. This happens all the time in many different fields. </p>
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<p>Interesting, also as the desgner of both cameras is Fuji, somewhat like the Haselblad X pan that was a Fuji product although I'm not sure who designed what. Perhaps the lenses are different in the VC-Fuji cases, or is Cosina just manufacturing it for certain markets. If Fuji arrives with it in NA, will Cosina stop supplying here?</p>

<p>Maybe someone will do a side by side comparison and testing of the two to see if there is any discernible differences in lens performance, shutter, meter or other aspects.</p>

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<p>During last fotokina (Köln, Germany), both Fuji and Cosina people told me that camera were to be build by Cosina. And except cosmetic details as name plate, color,... they have to be totaly similar.<br>

At that time, it was said that Fuji brand was for japanese market only and Voigtländer(Cosina) elsewhere.</p>

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