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Looking for a nice little "box" for DVD of images


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<p>Hey Everyone!</p>

<p>I'm looking for a really nice customizable box/case to send my clients their DVD of images in. I've just been sending out dvds in blank cases but I'd love to send my clients a little custom DVD book with images on the cover. Maybe something that folds out like a screen (three parts)? Even a place for 4x6 or 5x7 prints would be nice too. Most of my clients don't order albums so I really don't know where to look. I do however feel like I should present their wedding DVD as thought I'm presenting a beautiful album. I've been doing graphic design forever and a day so I'd like to be able to design the covers etc myself rather than use stock templates. Does such a thing even exist? I tried searching but I don't even know what it would be called so I've come up empty lol.</p>

<p>Thanks so much!<br>

Maile :)</p>

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<p>Think the best that I found was that can be printed out is http://www.digipakicreate.com/?lang=en&id=3 but I have never tried them. Looks like you get the kit then print out a sticker and put it one the case.</p>

<p>However, I have used a, sorta template I found at http://www.superdups.com/support/templates/cd_templates.php. It is the one about half way down the page named "1 CD Cardboard Wallet Template"</p>

<p>Now I just loaded that template and put an design on it and printed it out on card stock, cut it out and glued it together. sorry no instructions on the link</p>

<p>I have been looking for a good source for blank printable digipak too, but that is what I have come up with so far. Though I must say there are tons of services out there that will do this for you but usual they are in bulk</p>

<p>Hope it helps some.</p>


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<p>@Justin - Thanks for the templates! I usually get flustered with trying to find such things and end up doing it myself ha. I have more control that way so this could be a really great option ^_^ I like these too:<br>


<p>@Dan - Thank you! I like this one and I'd be able to get the pictures printed myself so Id know they would look nice :D<br>


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<p>It's easy to make your own. Measure your case, double the width and create your cover. Once you have that done, print, trim and fold in half. Use spray adhesive to attach the front and back to lay flat and insert. Works for those who don't want to spend the money on something really nice, but still shows some professionalism.</p>
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<p>I dunno bout diys... i mean the same reason you tell your brides to hire a pro vs an amateur.. the last thing you need is to give your clients a weird looking diy cd box. spend 40-50 bux in a professional looking box...</p>

<p>presentation is everything.</p>

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<p>For weddings that aren't on the high end, I find these DVD cases from Staples work well and are fairly inexpensive. They have clear sleeves so you can slip in one of the best photos of the bunch on either side and make a custom spine. They can be displayed near the DVD player almost like a framed photo.</p>


<p>For my own wedding, even though I used a very expensive photography studio, they only delivered it to me in the mail in a simple paper sleeve! So this is at least a step up!</p>

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