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Ricoh GX100 / 200 - Purple Verticle Lines in LCD - does yours show this?

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<p>Hey all - been a while... hope everyone is still happily shooting away be it film or Digital.<br>

Weeellll - got a couple new cameras since i was here posting last and a question.<br>

The famed i supposed to believe Pupple verticle lines should be present in the LCD so I can't compose an image question. This conserning the Ricoh GX100 and GX200 compacts in this case.<br>

Okay promoted as a PROFESSIONAL compact camera and i yell that pro word as it is touted as such and after talking to the Ricoh tech support team whom calim this is normal - which i never saw prior to the new update and quite honestly can't image any Pro grabing a $600 + compact that has verticle lines in the LCD if pointed towards a light source or light bouncing off an object is in the viewer.<br>

It is known that Ricoh has recalled other cameras due to a CCD issue - with the same issue only they are holding out till it attually shows up in to the recorded image to be whilling to repair these cameras.<br>

Canon has recalled what 20 to 30 cameras - Fuji several cameas all with the same issue - Puple verticle lines showing in either the LCD and/or Image.<br>

Currently Ricoh is claiming nothing... pushing it off on the consumer to fix the issue. Now in my mind and maybe yours - a base compact camera price of $600 then add in all the excessories and lens adds up to over a grand for this little camera. I do believe it should last more than 1.5 to 2 years...<br>

Wouldn't you agree.<br>

So _ i ask all those Ricoh camera users - Especially those using the Ricoh GX100 or GX200.<br>

Is your camera now showing purple verticle lines int he LCD and/or are they also showing up in the images? Like the below images show as example?<br>

And notice the last one - the stripping almost covers the entire LCD screen. And that is a South window shaded - blinds half pulled closed - ambient light entering the room causing this to acure... not the pro grade i'm looking for.<br>

Point being if there are enough of us Ricoh GX100/200 showing this issue - this is terms for a recall.<br>

All i want is for Ricoh to fix the dang cameras after putting in a inferior ccd if that is the case. I think all the Ricoh GX owners will agree - This isn't a $60 throw away digi camera. If it is... hell... maybe Ricoh needs to pull the PRO tag off the cameras they produce. I'll save my $800 bucks forget about digital and go back to film as a carry around camera. They dang sure last longer.<br>

And if your Ricoh isn't producing such verticle lines at this point when bright subject matter is in the veiwing area - post them too... I would but both mine are now doing it since i upgraded the firmware this weekend. Just to show this isn't supposed to be... especially in a pro camera as Ricoh claims this is.<br>

thanks all.<br>

- chase -<br>

<img src="http://i45.tinypic.com/15rm902.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p><img src="http://i46.tinypic.com/2csdhs4.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p><img src="http://i45.tinypic.com/29nxkyo.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p><img src="http://i49.tinypic.com/20hwo6e.jpg" alt="" /></p>


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<p>It's not a defect, it's a phenomenon known as CCD blooming:<br>

<a href="http://learn.hamamatsu.com/articles/ccdsatandblooming.html">http://learn.hamamatsu.com/articles/ccdsatandblooming.html</a><br>

I have a GX100 and it blooms just like yours does under similar conditions. But what's the point when the highlights are totally blown-out? Those are high dynamic range (HDR) type situations and are best treated as such.</p>

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<p>Thanks for this posting. I have not experienced this with any digital camera. But maybe I did not deal with blooming highlights. <br />And, Jorge, that is a wonderfully made photo of the two brothers. It speaks to me with emotion, and I am an old grandfather. ...technically fine, but emotionally superior. You have a good eye!</p>


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<p>Mine didn't do it until after an update to the firmware v1.51.</p>

<p>And CCDs or all do not do this. The small sensor i would expect more noise but not this much Blooming or Smearing as they [Ricoh] are terming it.</p>

<p>Where are they terming it Professional - lol - just ask Ricoh or follow the link below to their <em><strong>Professional</strong></em> line of cameras:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.ricoh.com/r_dc/professional.html">http://www.ricoh.com/r_dc/professional.html</a></p>

<p>You'll find both the GX100 and the GX200 listed in the Pro gear.</p>

<p>The point of this thread is that most camera companies are admitting that they used an inferior CCD - Canon has - Fuji Has - even Ricoh as mentioned above. And offering to fix and/or replace those cameras with the inferior CCD in them which causes Purple stripping in verticle axis in the LCD and/or images or both.<br>

Ricoh has yet to admit it about the GX100 or GX200 as of yet - both produced in the same years that the inferior CCD was used in Ricoh's other cameras and were recalled.<br>

I don't think this is normal and i tested along with 14 other photgs with pro gear and a few none Pro cameras.</p>

<p>None produced this type effect when pointed at a Murcury vapor lamp just 8 ft away - ( there is one used for our back drive way area) The only ones that produced the Purple stripping was the Ricoh GX100s and a Fuji compact - which they [Fuji] took back after being told about it, a GE $59 dollar P&S - and a Canon which was on the recall list from Canon.</p>

<p>The cameras that did show this Purple stripping were all less than a hundred bucks - except the GX100s. All Pro gear - $500 and over price range did not show this effect.</p>

<p>And as stated - The GX100 in the pic which had never had a firmware update till two days ago and was tested specifically for this issue - didn't show the effect until after the update in the exact same lighting cinerios.</p>

<p>Ricoh claims it's not the firmware... well it is something causeing it as far as i'm conserned and i for one am not happy with it.</p>

<p>What can i say - the more that people voice out about it happing to the GX's - perhaps Ricoh will fix the issue - and not at the cusumers expense as the camera companies are doing. And ricoh has had to do in the past.</p>

<p>I don't know how you compose your images - You may be able to compose an image and fine focus with purple strips all through your image prior to chlicking the shutter. and that's what you're used too, but some of us do still use manual modes. Which this makes it impossible to do so with all this purple verticle crap in the way.</p>

<p>Maybe i just expect more for almost grand of gear. And in my case that's times 2.</p>

<p>If it was just a matter of over exposure - you could stop down and it would go away - it's doens't go away but shows up worse or more promenant in the LCD viewer.</p>

<p>To me that BS for a supposed Pro camera - or any camera for that matter. I don't and many others don't compose by Point - Auto mode - hope for the best and crop in PS later.</p>

<p>I want more from my gear and my money. but that's me</p>

<p>- but then i'm not settling for a fat chick as my wife either...</p>

<p>I want a Penthouse pet.. and she better have her own money. Oh that's right - that's what i already got. Because i didn't settle for less. ;0)</p>


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<p>Profesional! says Ricoh. Well it definitely do not compare with the capability or built construction of a Nikon D3s, not even with those of the Ricoh GRD series. Not the same price tag neither.<br /> The GX series is now discontinued I have the latest firmware on my GX200. I would not expect any more updates, so if it is a firmware problem I think We will have to live with it.<br /></p>
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<p>@Jorge - The GX is discontinued and the GX8 not the GX series as far as the Ricoh site states. they are still selling and promoing both as Professional grade cameras.</p>

<p>Ricoh Discontinued models here: <a href="http://www.ricoh.com/r_dc/past/">http://www.ricoh.com/r_dc/past/</a></p>

<p>Besides Sea and Sea has the GX100/200 as their camera with housing under a different name of course. the DX i think is their name but it's a Ricoh GX100/200 underwater kit with the Sea and Sea name on it.</p>

<p>I'll never buy another Ricoh if they don't do something about it. And they should - if all complain to them - As mentioned no - you don't have to live with it. They [Ricoh] might have to live with a recall and fix the problem.</p>

<p>The squeaking wheel gets the grease as they say.</p>

<p>Funny thought - i was talking to someone after my last post about this camera and the GX200 and remarked that I could take a old Film Semi-Pro compact - shatter the viewer so any light would refract though out the image - and rig it so any film put in it over 100 iso it tosses a handfull of sand on the lens when you click the shutter. The higher iso film you use - the more sand it tosses on the lens.</p>

<p>Call it a Pro camera - cause all the manual settings and ask 6 and a half bills for it USA. Should sell pretty good considering all the rave reviews of the Ricoh GX100/200.</p>

<p>Hey the image wouldn't be half bad - equal to a 29mp digi too - i could even throw in a wide angle lens attachement for an extra $200 for it - and if any one bitches - i just say that it's all inherent to the film plane.<br>


<p>- And to think i coulda had a Leica for this price - even a Hassi<br>

... live and learn but don't lay down!</p>

<p>btw - it is a nice pic you posted.</p>

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<p>I used to own two GX100's and both of them exhibited this behavior on the rear LCD, the electronic viewfinder, and in movie mode (movies were unusable to me because of this issue). Still photographs were fine, aside from usual noise issues. As I understand it the behavior is inherent to the technology. The Panasonic FX100 I owned after that did a little better in that department, but the blooming still occurred if there were bright light sources in the frame.</p>

<p>I'm not entirely sure exactly what this has to do with the word "professional" in marketing literature.</p>

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