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to sell or not to sell

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<p>Hi, I have the opportunity to showcase some of my photos in a local cafe`(actually two cafes). These are part of a project I've worked on for some time using only paper as the subject of each image (see the "paper" folder in my gallery).<br>

Anyway, I was not thinking about selling my photos... until the store manager told me to make sure to post a price for each image.<br>

So the question is: [assuming there is someone out there willing to pay for one of my prints] should I put them up for sale (and happily cover some of the costs) or not bother with it? These are well done, framed, 13x19 prints (archival everything). What puzzles me is that I don't think of myself as an artist, nor a photo pro, so it seems a bit unnatural.<br>

Thank you for your suggestions,<br>


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<p>"What puzzles me is that I don't think of myself as an artist, nor a photo pro, so it seems a bit unnatural."</p>

<p>Get over it. A rose by any other name....whatever. Put the price tags on. If you don't want to soil your status with filthy lucre, price'em high.</p>

<p> One more thing: If you sell all of them, it still won't qualify you for artist or photopro any more than you are now. Don't sweat the nomenclature, be yourself.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Max, Since your work is so much better than the work of most who call their work "art" (which seems to be almost everybody with a DSLR)...why identify yourself with them?</p>

<p>Great portfolio! I like your pursuit of themes.</p>

<p> I think you should hang those fine prints with your contact information and should absolutely avoid prices. </p>

<p>It's only a cafe' after all, not a fine gallery fwiw. Maybe the owner and his banker will buy entire series at a good price? A cafe' display isn't likely to get prices that reflect the quality of your work...but if it's a fine-enough cafe' the people who will pay good money will see your work and have the opportunity to contact you. </p>

<p>Maybe you could sell entire Paper or your other series, or even individual prints, for a lot more than the price of a month's rent in a big city...some lesser photographers do. When I first saw Ansel Adams' work he was selling a box of a dozen for $1500...back in 1966. </p>


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<p>Thank you for your ideas, encouragement, and flattering feedback. I will price them (though I do understand John K's point)<br>

One cafe`will have my photos soon (couple of weeks), the other in September, for about a month each.<br>

I'll come back here and let you know how it went. A round of [virtual] drinks for everybody if they sell well!<br>


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<p>Philip W, I especially like your "Memories" series, but I find your "street" work far more interesting than the genre. <br>

Does your response mean you have attached a price valuation to prints of your work? <br>

I'm not buying (financially strapped) but what would you charge for fine inkjet prints on 13X17 from that series, and for the whole series?<br>

I've not done paid work for twenty years, but people do want prints (I discourage the "art" label) and portraiture. That almost pleases me, but makes me uncomfortable: my response is to deny it's art and give them work or prints. That does seem to add potential financial value, and good work need not be "affordable" imo. I make my meagre living in other ways, would rather do photography for personal reasons. </p>

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<p>Very good shots! I would put a price on them or wait for people to put the price on them if they want to purchase one. You just need to put them in exibition one or two days and then you might get a idea on how much to charge.<br>

Great work, I had never seen something like it before, I think your work is really original.</p>

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