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<p>You're shooting in color, regardless. If you tell the camera to prepare a B&W file, it's using software onboard the camera to make decisions about the image, and dispense with most of the data in the RAW file in order to render that monochrome JPG. Shoot RAW, convert later.</p>
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<p>Why not try both and see which you like? What are you calling "better"? I mean, are you going to tell Walker Evans he blew it because he shot B+W film? I know that's not what you're asking but I've had a couple beers and am feeling cantankerous. But honestly, do try it and see. What's to lose?</p>
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<p>There is a world of difference in control when you shoot in color, and convert to BW, that you never have with BW film. You also never know when that shot will look much better in color, than it ever will in BW.<br>

Id not listen to anyone who told me in 1936-37 that I blew it by shooting in BW, there was no color available to me then. Though I read all Ansel Adams books and attended many of his seminars. Developed my film using formulas that I mixed myself from Ansel's or others "recipes." Was making a better weeks pay than my Father a Fireman in Boston, by the time I was twelve. Never stopped learning, never was locked into habits that I formed in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, etc. Built my first computer in 1975. Began using PS in the first version.<br>

Today, can do ANYTHING in PS or Lightroom that I could do in a Darkroom and do it in much less time than it took for decades and prefer them to what I was taught for decades. "Old Dogs can learn new tricks, even in their 80's... And I learn something new every day, and plan to continue as long as possible.</p>

<p> </p>

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