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Maps for Eastern Europe?


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<p>I'm planning a club motorcycle/photographic tour around the Balkans and former Eastern Bloc countries, west to east from Croatia to Moldova, and north to south from Hungary to Bulgaria. I would like to purchase a stout road map for each country, and I need multiple copies of each map.<br>

Does anyone know a good brand to go for, and perhaps a supplier who would discount for volume?<br>

Many thanks,</p>


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<p>I've always found Michelin to have the best European road maps. I imagine mapsco carries them. Also, I always carry a clear vinyl 8.5" x 11" sleeve. Each day I refold the map to show the panels where I will traveling that day. Then, slip the map in the sleeve and you'll avoid a lot of wear and tear. Don't miss the cave wine cellars just outside Chisinau. I have extensive journals and photos for part of the territory you are covering at <a href="http://www.mytripjournal.com/gungajim">www.mytripjournal.com/gungajim</a><br>

Plivitice Lakes, Sibiu, the Transfagarian Hiway and Lviv are all cool place.</p>

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