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Is a new 1Ds still relevant? Worth 6k?


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<p>Just acquired a used 1Ds3 with extra battery, L-plate and 6,000 shutter actuations for $3700 including paypal/overnight shipping - so look for deals on this camera now. No need to buy new - and prices on both new/used models will continue to drop as the release of the Mark IVs become imminent.</p>

<p>That being said, compared to the 5D Mark II I sold, I miss the smaller size of the 5D II. The 1DS3 is a brick in comparison - but that is the price to pay for weather-sealing and pro build (better for shooting with long lenses = bigger camera). In a quick assessment - the 1Ds3 has better AF (but the center AF point of 5D II is good enough to shoot birds in flight - is good enough, and very accurate); image quality is slightly better...the 5d II has video -nice to have IF you use it regularly.</p>

<p>For my needs at 1600 asa for birds in flight, the "upgrade" was worth it to me. Also, low asa (100) *might* be slightly better on the 1Ds3 from what I can see and have read - so my landscapes *should* look a bit better - probably only noticeable in side-to-side comparison with an equivalent large print from a 5D II though.</p>

<p>Overall is the 1Ds3 several thousand dollars better than the 5d II? - probably not - but for me, being able to acquire a used 1Ds3 in mint shape was worth the extra dollars...</p>

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<p>Superior image quality</p>


<p>when? @ iso 100?</p>



<p>Yes, and at ISO 200, 400, 800 too.</p>

<p>Are you saying most of your shots are taken at high ISO? If so, the 1Ds3 is not for you.</p>



<p>I print 20x30s with a 40D.</p>


<p>In that case you would notice a huge difference if you had a 1Ds3.</p>

<p>The 1Ds3 may not be worth $6000 to you but it obviously is to some people otherwise the cameras wouldn't exist. Stop being so argumentative. If you don't want a 1Ds3 then don't buy one.</p>

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<p>Kevin wrote:</p>


<blockquote><p>I print 20x30s with a 40D.</p></blockquote>


<p>Erm…how to put this delicately?</p>


<p>Even the original 1Ds at ISO 400 is going to give you better prints that size than your 40D will at

ISO 100. And the 1DsIII will blow the original 1Ds out of the water.</p>


<p>That you wouldn’t spend $6K on a 1DsIII is fine and dandy, but, frankly, you’re

coming across like the guy who drives a four-year-old Honda Accord to work bitching about the

pointlessness of blowing a quarter million dollars on a Ferrari.</p>





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<p>A friend of mine dropped a 1Ds3 into a salt marsh while shooting at water's edge. It was underwater for about 5 seconds before he could recover it. He hosed it off with fresh water, dried it off, changed (L) lens, and went back to shooting. While I have never submerged my 1D3 or 1Ds3, both have worked in rain, snow, blowing sand and generally get treated as tenderly as hammers. Never a failure.<br>

What is that worth? </p>

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<p>All I said was the 1dsIII wasn't worth 6K. I didn't say it was a piece of junk. The fact that many of you are saying the IQ of a 3 yr old camera is better than a brand new $4k camera is mind boggling. I am not calling you liars but it seems that Canon is holding back. A 3yr old $8k computer would not be able to keep up with a new $4k computer today. IDK, maybe its just apples and oranges, maybe its just me.</p>
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<p>i am only saying, for me, the 1dsmk3 is the best camera for my needs. the IQ is outstanding and not soon to be a relic. its build quality is superb and its battery life is very impressive. being a ff camera is another huge plus, for me. the 1dsmk3 can be purchased used at a very reduced price. concerning its worth to you or anyone else, that is a personal choice, that aside to me the 1dsmk3 is worth the price tag. but then again, thats me.<br>

good luck with your choice, i am sure it will be the right choice for you either way. ;)</p>

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<p><em>"I am not calling you liars but it seems that Canon is holding back."</em></p>

<p>Sure they are. Why should Canon put all their pro-level features in non-pro cameras? That would kill the sales of the 1D models. Plus I'm guessing Canon's research shows that if they put more features in the lower models people wouldn't pay for them. Not really any different than the auto industry for example. Toyota could easily put all the features of the Lexus in a Camry but people probably wouldn't pay for it. Pay your money and make your choice. A high mp count sensor doesn't make a 5D2 (or 7D) the equal of a 1DS3 any more than leather seats makes a Camry equal to a Lexus.</p>

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