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What film do you use with a polaroid film back?


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<p>I can really see the usefulness of a polaroid film back for my 645. Particularly when setting up my small "studio" at the house to take pictures of the kids before prom or whatever. What a tremendous ability to be able to check your work before you commit yourself to a roll of film.<br>

My photo place in Oklahoma City told me no more Polaroid film, but that Fuji makes an "instant" film. The lady I spoke to didn't seem to know much more than it was not like the Polaroid stuff that you tore the paper off it and watched it develop. You guys with Polaroid backs, are you using the Fuji stuff? I can't seem to find an answer that absolutely says, yes, use the Fuji JUST like the old stuff.<br>

What do I need to get with the Polaroid back for my 645 to make this work?<br>

Bob E.</p>

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<p>Fuji makes 3 instant films that will work. <br>

Fuji 100C is 100 ISO color film.<br>

Fuji 100B is 100 ISO Black and White film.<br>

Fuji 3000B is 3000 ISO Black and White film. <br>

I've used all three in my polaroid back on my Bronica GS-1 and they've all worked fine.<br>

Remember to take the darkslide out! Also, if you've never worked a polaroid back go watch a video on youtube. There's a good tutorial going from loading the back to taking the photo to pulling the film out and waiting for it to develop and peeling it apart. Expect to ruin anywhere from 3-5 (including shots of your darkslide!) before you get it right. <br>

Personally I use a polaroid back and I love it. I don't use a digital for fake polaroid proofs or anything. It's worth the price of the fuji film to see the result exactly on the equipment I will be using. <br /><br />Good Luck!<br>

Frank </p>

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