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D90 Shutter release


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<p>I've had my D90 for over 6 months now (and D50 before that) and I've had problems (with both) with the shutter not releasing when trying to shoot fast moving sports. The attached lens is my 80-200 Nikkor. I've got the camera set for constant focusing and have the shutter depressed halfway so that the camera/lens will track my subject, but when I go to take the picture the camera will not shoot as if is not focused suffeciently enough for a perfect picture. My question would be is there any way to set the camera to release the shutter regardless of optimal focus? My thinking is some shot is better than no shot. I've tried to find a way to solve this in the manual and through trian and error but have not come up with a solution.<br>

Thanks much for any assistance you are able to give,<br>


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<p>There is a setting in the menu (at least on the D50 ) that only allows the shutter to fire if the subject is in focus . It can be changed so that the shuterr fires whenever pressed . Un fortunately I don't have my D50 handy so I am not sure where in the menu this is found .</p>
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<p>Fast moving sports..... put camera on Dynamic mode..(look under the pencil in menu and go under autofocus and choose dynamic..then on top of camera on right side AF button depressed and spin rear wheel to af-c for continuous shooting..the camera will shoot no matter if it has subject in focus or not. IT is used by nature and sports photograhers for fast moving subjects. You should get some good results at 4.5 frames per second.<br>

If you have your camera set on AF -S the camera will not shoot unless subject is in focus..this is probably why you did not have success.</p>

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<p>Thanks much for the quick replys. After going through my settings again I believe I may have figured out my problem. My camera's focus priority had somehow gotten switched to AF A which seems to be some sort of meld between AF S and AF C. It would track the subject when depressed halfway but then wouldn't fire when the shutter was depressed all the way unless the camera had perfect focus. I believe with it set back to AF C I should get better results from my son's basketball games.<br />Thanks again</p>
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