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Fuji gx617 lens - what is that scratch?


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<p>I was looking at buying a Fuji gx617 180mm lens. However, I noticed these marks in the inside of the lens body. I don't think it will have any effect on the function of the lens but I'm just wondering how did they get there and why do so many lens on ebay have them? Take a look at the marks by the screws. . .<br>



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<p>Those don't look like scratches to me, but more like cracks. In either case, it's hard to say with certainty what caused them.</p>

<p>I own a Fuji G617 and when I see the G617s on ebay (even now), I watch for similar cracks on the outer housing in the back. To me, it's a sign that maybe the camera hasn't received as good of care as I'd like. The body (or, the lens in this GX617 case) might have been handled a bit too roughly. But, there's a big part of me (the engineer part) that thinks that these cracks are caused by excessive exposure to heat & cold stress or that Fuji might be applying the screws too tightly in a material that isn't designed to take the stress, too. </p>

<p>The above being said, it is an issue of concern, but if the price was right, a carefully applied drop of SuperGlue might do the trick... ;)</p>

<p>Good luck,<br>


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