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Top of line P&S?


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<p>Hi there,<br>

I'm really a DSLR user at heart, but I wanted to get a better quality P&S camera that I could carry with me at other times so I don't miss any photo opps. I want one that I will get decent quality photos with. Is there such thing as a P&S camera with a viewfinder? Any suggestions on makes/model. I don't necessarily need one that is super small (although smaller than my DSLR is the point!), but would like one with superior image quality and preferably a decent zoom potential (and a viewfinder if possible).<br>


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<p>I was in exactly the same situation; the dslr can get a bit heavy to lug around when you're just out for dinner or a stroll. I went for the Canon G11. It does have a view finder (one of my minimum reqs.), it takes pics in RAW (unfortunately not RAW + jpg however) and it has a swiveling screen, which I think is priceless when you want to shoot from waist-level or overhead. It also has a really good quality feel to it; it's not 'plasticky' at all; just like the 'old' rangefinders. I understand it has a metal body.<br>

Good hunting; I'll be interested to see what you end up with.<br>

Dave D</p>

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<p>Sigma DP-1, Sigma DP-2, possibly Olympus Pen EP-1 with small prime lens, possibly Panasonic GF-1 with pancake lens, possibly if you're rich, Leica X-1. Those have APS-C sized sensors for the Sigma and the Leica and 4/3 sensors for the others. The Canon G11 is pretty good too and cheaper, but the sensor if much smaller. Depends on what you want to spend. If you're ok with taking pictures in plenty of light, the smaller sensor digital point and shoots will do you.</p>
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<p>Another vote for the Canon G11. I love the dials, the swivel LCD, the general quality feel. The viewfinder is only like 75% coverage but the LCD is so nice I don't mind that. The photos I have shot (low ISO so far, 100,200) have been excellent, given the size of the sensor. I think to get better IQ than the G11 you have to go into DP1, EP1, GF1 territory.</p>
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<p>Fuji in general are good in low light applications, so if you shoot a lot in low light they are certainly worth consideration. The S200EXR, from what I have read, is very versatile - you can shoot for optimum dynamic range, or for max resolution, plus one other option I don't remember. I have and use an old Fuji S6000 (6MP) camera that I am very fond of. The image quality is great for a 6MP camera and I've never had any problems with it.</p>

<p>Check DPReview and look at their test of the S200EXR if you're interested in learning more.</p>

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<p>Coming from an SLR, the Canon G11 is just fantastic. The lens is pretty wide (28mm) and fast (2.8-4.5), and it's great in low-light. IQ is also very good, and it feels like a very well-built camera. The dials are definitely a nice touch and much easier than digging through menus.</p>
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<p>Does anybody know anything about the Canon Powershot SX1 IS 10.1 MP 20XWA 2.8i and how this camera rates and compares with the Canon G11? I'm looking for superior IQ and versatility. I can see that the former camera has more optical zoom, which I might find handy in some situations, however, does this camera even compare with the G11?</p>
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