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Problem with Pocket Wizards - camera isn't triggering it


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<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I did a quick search, but couldn't find anywhere where this has already been asked. I just bought a pair of Pocket Wizards, and I have a question.</p>

<p>I want to be able to use an on-camera flash, together with an off-camera flash. I mounted a flash onto my camera's hot shoe. I then connected Pocket Wizard #1 to my camera's PC port. I took a second flash and connected the other Pocket Wizard to it. I turned everything on, and it works like a charm.</p>

<p>However, here's where I'm having a problem. If I turn off the flash on my camera's hot shoe, it appears that the camera is not sending the "flash" signal to its PC port (where Pocket Wizard #1 would send the signal to Pocket Wizard #2). It seems that if the camera doesn't detect a flash in its hotshoe, it doesn't send the "flash" signal to its PC port.</p>

<p>My questions are: 1) am I correctly interpreting what's happening here? and 2) Is there any way around this problem? I'm using a Nikon D300 with 2 SB-900's. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>

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<p>Real quick, I ran into a situation similar while back. I purchased 3 PW's new and I could not get to trigger it with my, Canon, camera.</p>

<p>Long story short, it turned out one of the PW's was bad. Swapping with one of the other PW's made it work. The bad PW does not work as a transmitter, but is okay as a receiver.</p>

<p>I have not much time now, but you might wanna check that out, just to determine if they fine, which they should be.</p>


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<p>I have both flashes set to Manual, and the camera also set to Manual exposure. I set the aperture to 2.8 and set the shutter speed to around 1/10th (I was testing this indoors tonight).</p>


<p>I believe the Pocket Wizards are fine. They're brand-new, and when I press the "Test" button, the remote flash fires fine. Also, if I turn on the flash in the hotshoe, the remote flash triggers fine. It is only when I turn *off* the flash in the hotshoe that the remote flash refuses to fire. Like I said, it's behaving like if the camera doesn't detect an active flash in the hotshoe, then it's not sending the "Flash" trigger through the PC port (where the Pocket Wizard would relay it to the remote Pocket Wizard and flash).</p>

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<p>OK, this is weird - I set everything up again tonight to try some of your suggestions, and it worked. The exact same configuration I had when I was first having the problem, only now it works. I'll keep an eye on this and see if I ever encounter the problem again. Thanks for your input guys,</p>


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