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Inexpensive mail order 120 C41 processing?

r.t. dowling

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I've only used mail order C-41 from two places. I like <a href="http://www.aandi.com/">A&I</a> for Fuji films (they print on Fuji Cystal Archive paper) and <a href="http://www.dalelabs.com/">Dale Laboratories</a> for Kodak films (they print on Kodak paper). I think A&I costs around $13.50 for a mailer and Dale Labs costs around $10 depending on the film size (6x6 vs. 6x7 etc...) I've had a bit more experience with A&I as I tend to use more Fuji films than I do Kodak and have always been happy with my prints.



Another option to consider might be Kodak mailers (as Philip suggests in the Film Processing article). I've never used them and I'm not completely sure they even have a 120 mailer available, but I believe most people are generally satisfied Kodak processing.



To be sure, for just about any of my professional work, I tend to use (and develop a relationshp with a local professional laboratory). It will likely be more expensive, but I would encourage you to do the same. I only send just-shooting-around photos of family and friends to a mail order lab...

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Neither Dale or A&I are much cheaper than my local pro lab.


Timeless Photo and Imaging will process and proof from 6x4.5 ONLY for $7 a roll 120, $10 a roll 220 ($9 and $12 including postage.) That could help you with the Holga if you use it in 4.5 mode. You might include a comment about the density of the negatives, etc. - not sure how they will handle that if they are surprised ;>) http://timelessphoto.com


There is another, recent thread here on the same topic. I did not find any other useful suggestions there. The one lab that looked promising online was apparently closed when I called. There was a message with a different number, and prices when I called there were about the same as my local lab.


Interesting that it is so hard to find low cost proofing when I can get cheap 35mm processing with double prints for $5 a roll - for 72 prints! Cheapest I can find other than Timeless is about .80 per print, $16 for 20 exposure 6x7, $18 with postage. The Timeless pricing by comparison is pretty good, 33 proofs for $12 from a modern 6.45 (Pentax 645N, etc.) Volume and demand I guess.


And yes, I do support my local lab and use them heavily for my work. (About $5,000 plus last year.) I just can't afford $18-$22 a roll for 15-20 rolls when experimenting with Holga or other new techniques till I get it down.




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Another option availible is to have your film film printed to contact strips; I just got 2 rolls back for just over $11. I've found that having my work printed to strips and then having the real gems proofed/enlarged helps keep the cost down and improves skill.


The down side is that (usually) contact strips are not exposure/color corrected; any errors you've made in exposure will be immediatly apparent. For me, this is a great way to keep my technique sharp.



D.M. Elick

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