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Which Course?


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I am wishing to treat myself in the New Year and apply to enrol on a Photography Course. I have been online and viewed many courses and am completely confused as to what course I should do. I wouldn't say I am a beginner, but I would like to start a course that teaches right from the basics ie ISO Settings, Exposure etc and takes you through to semi-professional status.<br>

I would prefer to carry out a course online and am not worried as to the courses duration. Although my Photography is more of a hobby, I would like to gain a recognised qualification purely for the challenge and would like to drive towards maybe one day selling my work as a side-line. I like the thought of Wedding/Portrait photography so would prefer a course that covers these subjects.<br>

I would be most grateful if I could be pointed in the right direction and have courses recommended to me. Would I be better doing a course online or attending courses with a tutor? I live in the UK. Many thanks and Happy New Year!</p>

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<p>Hi Owen, Great to see another UK member - there aren't many of us here! I can appreciate how overwhelming it must be when sifting through so many options, but it's my view that we learn quickest in practical hands-on classes. I think you're very sensible in wanting to build your skills from the ground up (so few new photographers do that and consequently don't move forward in the way they'd hoped). If you're a Canon user then Google: Experience Seminars. Canon run really useful beginner courses if SLR photography is new to you. Other well established trainers also offer a range of courses at different levels. It can be expensive, but very worthwhile if you're serious about your photography. The SWPP Convention starts next week in London, it's a highly inspirational week of top class seminars and workshops - you don't have to be a member to attend, and places are still available on the various materclasses and some superclasses. Just Google SWPP. The site itelf has information about who offers training. 'Recognized qualifications' don't always hold much value in our field and most pros are largely self-taught, but have of course assisted other more seasoned professionals at times, and we do budget each year for professional training in our specialized fields. At this stage in your development, you may not have identified which genre of photography you lean towards, but in terms of earning an income this is most commonly in the field of wedding or portraiture.</p>

<p>Good luck, and all the best for 2010.</p>

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