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How to build a professional website?


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<p>i want to build a prof. (at least looking) photo blog/website.. with my own domain name "_______.com" without all the advertisments or somethign like that.<br>

i honestly have no idea what i'm doing and dont know where to start (other then go daddy, where i already have an email/domain name)<br>

but that one is not the one i want to use<br>

i want to run a small website... hopefully with a store section. a nice layout of my photos and smooth transitions to my seprate albums.<br>

links to my other pages. and such</p>

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<p>It is difficult to offer any suggestions without knowing your site's objectives, or what you meant by "professional" or "small".<br>

For my own site's design, I started out with my objectives written down, and then visited numerous photo sites with similar objectives and noted my likes and dislikes. Then I research what it would take to build such a site without all my dislikes and with all my likes, by myself, by a hosting site, or by a designer. Except for those with great skills or deep pockets, we probably all end up with some comprises. Not unlike owning our first home.<br>

Let us know your site's objectives and some sites that you like, and you may get better answers.</p>

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<p>Guess it really depends on how much time and effort you want to put in. I got a pro site at Smugmug and decided to build my own site. It took a l-o-n-g time to get it in reasonable shape, but I'm retired so I could put in the effort. If you have a day-job and are looking to get set up quickly, I'd consider professional help. To get your site operating in Smugmug you will have to learn quite a bit about HTML and CSS and that might not appeal to you. There is no manual so I built my own -- so far it is about 3' thick.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>


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<p>You can find Gallery engines ready to install if you have your own ftp account. I am using php gallery designed in France. I am fortunate to have a good web designer as a friend who helped me get started. With this one I upload images through ftp client FileZilla. It is easier and faster.<br>

here is a link to the gallery engine:<br>


You can share photos, videos even audio privately with family and friends. They need a user account.<br>

This is my gallery with a custom built graphic theme.<br>


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