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creeping shutter speeds in manual setting


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<p>I am very perplexed by an ongoing problem I have with my D300. When I am shooting in manual mode at 250th of a second for studio strobe, I sometimes find that the 250 has climbed to 1000 (or more!). I have checked the FN button and it is at"0"frames. I am sure that this is user error, but I don't know why it is happening. Any thoughts?</p>
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<p>Matt, it is when I look at the camera after a flurry of shots and the speed has changed. I don't look at the EXIF data. But, I can also see the black edges on the playback images from the unsynched (is that a word?) shutter speed. It is bracketing...but I don't know why or how to stop it.</p>
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<p>Mayby have a look at page 116 / 117 in your manual ..<br>

Here you find the custom setting e5 for type of bracketing choise<br>

There is more on this at page 297 , and 304 -307 explaining how to set your Fn button for auto-bracketing..</p>


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<p>CPM...I don't think I missed anything in the manual...adding to my puzzlement. I do use bracketing in some instances, but Hamish...I make sure that the FN button is at zero when I do not want bracketing. Plus, my bracketing option is part of one of my preset shooting menu options (which I only use for HDR attempts and such). Gary, based on your response, I am wondering if it is the camera. I have tried firing a bunch of blanks, to see if it does it. No, it does it when I am not looking and after I have been shooting awhile. I think I bought my camera about 8 months ago too..hmmmm, a bad month for Nikon?</p>
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<p> Tiffany, did you also check your f6 (ae-l/af-l ) settings ( including the combination with command-dails).<br>

I ask this because I prefer to use this one to set ,and control, bracketting when depressed in command-dial combo (because it prevents accidentel bracketing activation because it is awkward to use when not on a tripod...).</p>

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<p>Hi Tiffany, please let us know if this helps in any way ?</p>

<p> Oh, and when you're at it experimenting with this bracketting stuff, maybe also have a look at e6 for manual exposure bracketting<br>

( i think that is what you were doing by presetting your exp. time to 1/250th ? ), if you set it to "Flash Only", you should never have a varying exposure time while "Flash Bracketting , even if your on bracketting by accident.. . ( same goes for the e5 setting ==> flash only stops varying exposure times when bracketting.).</p>

<p>I know, its complicated, and I got dizzy first time when experimenting with this stuff because of the seemingly endless possibilities ( I have thrown in an MC-36 remote to get time-interval with bracketting bursts too, to complicate things a bit more ... :-) ) .</p>

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<p>CPM...I was at the trusted camera store today and their feeling was that I would probably have to take it up with Nikon...ugh! Not looking forward to that one. I have been set to "flash only" btw. The FN button works pretty well for me when I am bracketing...like I said earlier, I find the preset shooting menus really good for that. It seems to be the easiest for me to get through that menu quickly. I will get aquainted with "E6" though and put off contacting Nikon just a wee bit longer...thanks for your help...it is very appreciated!</p>
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