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SF 20 loud clicking sounds?

owen w.

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<p>My SF-20, little used for months, was pulled out on a recent trip. When I mounted it and turned it on, it started making loud and rather insistent pops or snapping sounds. In between these rather frightening sounds, I got off a couple shots. Then, I just got too scared to leave it on. It has not since been of use, but it does make these sounds even off the camera when the power is switched on. It is the same in M, A or TTL setting. I tried to use it again, shielding my face with a hand, but it no longer achieves ready-status. The batteries are new. And it is still popping. These sounds are 3 to 4 seconds apart, and can be felt as well as heard. I haven't been willing to leave it on very long, as it just sounds like the thing will explode. I suppose I could set it on a table outside and then walk away, but I thought I'd ask here first.</p>

<p>Any suggestions?</p>

<p>Many thanks.</p>

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<p>I believe the main energy storing component in flashguns is an electrolytic capacitor - the circuitry essentially does the two main jobs of charging the capactor and then controlling the discharge of the stored energy into the tube. My guess would be that if the fault is causing audible pops that are strong enough to be felt through the case, then it may be the cap that has gone. Old caps can dry out, and they usually have a weak spot on the case that's designed to act as a release valve if pressure builds up inside (it's a little metal can). If the cap itself hasn't gone, then there could be a fault elsewhere on the board, and that the cap is discharging, perhaps intermittently, into that. Since the energy is quite high, there could be arcing.</p>

<p>Whatever the cause, I agree with Gus - sounds like component failure. I'd get an estimate for repair while looking at the cost of a replacment unit. (I'm sure I saw one for £80 on eBay the other day.)</p>


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<p>Thanks, guys.  This unit has certainly not seen any water damage, although condensation might be possible.  This is not under warranty.  Nomad's description of a dead capacitor sounds about right.  All I know is that it spooked the h*ll out of me!<br></p><p>Should I write Leica to ask what repair might cost, or is it just better to assume that any repair costs would be equal to simply picking up another unit?</p><p>Somehow, I think just informing Leica of this failure seems worthy.  <br></p>
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<p>Hi Owen,<br>

so good the sound scared you enough to make you switch off the flash! An electric contraption blowing up right on your forehead would have been very ugly. (I'm not sure a flash could explode but in times when laptops turn themselves into campfires...)<br>

Just tell Leica Solms about your 'experience' (they reading their e-mails carefully, english one too), and ask the Leica repair person/distributor in your country and Leica Solms about a realistic repair price. You may be surprised about the price difference.<br>

You may get an offer for a (reasonable) upgrade deal (to the great SF-28D) on top of it.<br>

Good luck,<br>


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  • 1 month later...

<p>Well, I should report the progress.<br>

I sent the flash to Leica USA, who sent it on to Germany. After about a month, I have received their report that "the unit cannot be repaired any longer -- offer to exchange w/ new flash."<br>

The cost to exchange? $295.</p>

<p>Obviously, I declined the offer, albeit politely. I purchased a new unit from Adorama for more than $100 less.</p>

<p>Seems strange that the circuit board couldn't be swapped out. They have promised to return the dead unit. I will take it apart to see what it looks like inside, just out of curiosity.</p>

<p>Thus, my results.</p>

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