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Nikon SB-900 OR Sigma 530 DG Super


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<p>I currently shoot weddings and need a reliable speedlight. Both my SB800 and my DHs SB800 died on us. Becoming seriously unreliable at the time we needed it the most.<br>

My DH replaced his SB800 with the 900 and he hates it. Not only being extremely noisy compared to the 800 but the overheating issue is too much to deal with. There has been many times his flash has overheated at the worst possible moments during the event. <br>

Luckily we still have our SB600 to fall back on! I was looking at replacing my speedlight with a third party flash like the Sigma or anything that might be more reliable than the SB900. The slave feature is not so important to me. <br>

I would love some feedback like does anyone use a speedlight other than the SB-900 and what are the pros and cons regarding it. Unfortunately I do not have much time on this...my flash just quit and I have a New Year's Eve wedding to photograph! Thanks so much for your input. <br>


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<p>Metz System Flash units might be an alternative - this is the most powerful one (there are two smaller units available too); each should be "fully compatible" with Nikon i-TTL http://www.metz.de/en/photo-electronics/mecablitz-models/system-flash-units/mecablitz-58-af-1-digital/product-information.html<br>

Then there is of course the Quantum Trio - or similar flashes http://www.qtm.com/?page=3210&qmode=c</p>

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